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I got on the scale this morning like a complete idiot. I knew it was going to have my weight up, but I did anyway. It is so depressing that one Mexican meal and a shared dessert can do this to me. I have to remember to keep trucking on and make everyday for the rest of the week count towards my weightloss efforts and not let this blight get in my way.

I'm very proud of myself for yesterday. I walked twice for a total of 50 minutes and did the 30 aqua aerobics. I discovered that since they offer the 30 minute classes back to back you can pay once and stay for more than one. I am going to do that today. It was tiring, but not so tiring that I couldn't do an hour of it. Besides in the 2nd half hour if I need to slow down I can. People just move at their own pace.

As for the pain, it was tolerable. The pain in my chest (pectoral muscles) comes and goes. I find if I get into certain positions it doesn't bother me as much. It worries me and I really wish I had addressed it with the doctor, but I'll have to bring it up next time for sure. My guess is that the muscles haven't been used very much in the healing process and are now getting a workout.

If I keep my exercise up and my food intake at a minimal this week shouldn't be a big disaster. It is only early Tuesday morning and my weigh-in isn't until Saturday. Sometimes on weeks like this I just hope for maintenance. If I keep my weight the same I will be thrilled.

I'm doing well. I'm doing new exercise and am well-aware of my weekend problem. Now I just have to do something about fixing it before it becomes a problem towards my goal.

I've given myself the long-term goal of getting to 63 kilos by The first week in April (just after my 2nd anniversary). And I wanted to lose 5 kilos by Christmas. I don't know if that one is going to pan out, but I am still shooting for it anyway. The long-term one has me losing about a pound a week to make it and I feel that is very reasonable and achievable.

Wow. Just think that by the end of the summer I could be at my goal. I can actually see it happening. I should do a lot more visualization. I know it has helped me in the past and is good for the spirit. I wonder what size that will be. I know that I will at least be an American 10, but not sure if I will reach the Aussie 10. It is so exciting to think about all the clothes I will be able to wear. Yippie.


Steffany said…
It's so funny to think that it's already Tuesday in Australia, when it's still Monday afternoon here in Oregon! :) I can see from your stats that you have made tremendous progress in your effort to lose weight and get healthy. CONGRATULATIONS! That is so impressive. Your post today was completely relatable to my own life. I have days that are dictated by my behavior the day before, and my attitude seems to take its cue from my mind-set...ugh, it's such a vicious cycle. Just remember how far you've come, and that the changes you've made in your life are NOT going to go away overnight. Keep up the great work! :)

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