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Oh how the mighty fall

Yes it is true. It seems that every time I brag about how proud of myself I am, I fall off the wagon. At least this time the fall wasn't that far and I believe that today I should be able to pick myself back up.

All day yesterday all I wanted to do was eat. I got at least one walk accomplished but on the walk I bought a scone from Baker's Delight. I thought it would be only 2-3 points, but this time I decided to weigh it on my food scale and discovered the horrifying reality -- these scones are 5 points each. They weigh twice as much as a serving size. But, but they're not that big!! I know, it was not a good moment. I ate the whole thing anyway, along with some left over quiche. Then I had my soup a few hours later and still felt hungry.

For dinner I had home-made chicken wraps like you can get at KFC here in Australia, but for half the points. They were too good though and I ate two instead of one which should have been enough.

Of course I also had a bottle of Toohey's Extra Dry. To top the night off on a very bad note I delved into the fried oriental noodles. You know the ones. Those things are evil. I bought a bag a few weeks ago thinking it would be nice to use them in salads but of course instead I discovered how great they taste by themselves. A small 100g bag has a points value of 12. Yikes! Even though I only ate half the bag last night...I will never buy those again unless I am using them in a recipe that very day which will be enjoyed by more than one person. To wash those down I had a glass of some dessert wine that mr ralph wanted when I was buying myself the beer.

It wasn't your normal, very bloated feeling binge. But the guilt set in.

Lesson learned.

Today's weigh-in has me at 73.7 kilos. That is 100 grams more than my pre-holiday weight. Who knew that the 3 kilos that was relatively easy to gain over the month we were in America would be so damn hard to lose once I got back.

The truth is I am still very happy with the loss. It was a very good result. If you count the weight I gained last week (but didn't have recorded) it was a loss of 700 grams, just shy of a whole kilo (2.2 pounds). Technically you aren't meant to shoot for more than that per week anyway. Kudos to me.

I think I have to accept that by Christmas I won't be at my goal weight. I think I'm okay with that. I should be closer though, and that is what matters. I can't wait to get this brace off my neck and be able to add some more intense cardio to my workout as well as be able to do some strength training. I am going to ask for a weight bench and weights for Christmas this year. I really enjoyed it when I was doing the Body For Life challenge.

Today it is pouring buckets and cold. I hope that I get the energy up to walk because I usually don't bother with exercise during the weekend and I obviously should since I eat the most on the weekends and doing more during the week has helped my weightloss so much.


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