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Hot Day

The prediction is that it is going to be 37 today. I didn't walk this morning because at 9am it was already too warm. The plan is to walk tonight after the sun goes down. Mr ralph will probably go with me.

I found that my doctor's appointment was meant to be yesterday. I know, I have no idea how I did that. I have rescheduled the x-ray for this afternoon and the appointment with the surgeon is tomorrow morning.

So I should be able to stop worrying tomorrow that is if it is good news.

I feel all bloated today. Ate too much pasta last night. I didn't overdo it on my points, but pasta and rice always sit heavy. My weight is fluctuating. I am still obsessing over the scale on a daily basis. I can't seem to talk myself out of it. It is like I have to know if it has gone up or down every single morning. It really is stupid because I know that there are hundreds of reasons why weight fluctuates daily.

Last night I went to the store looking for something to eat. I ended up buying some museli bars with chocolate on the bottom. I only ate one and it was yummy and only around 2 points. Also bought a bag of air-popped popcorn by Mother Earth which is really amazing. You could eat the entire bag for 4 points. If you have an air-popper you don't have to buy it, but this is so good for me since I don't have one.

I don't know why, but I want to eat everything in the house right now. I already ate my breakfast and I'm not very hungry right now. I hope that I am strong enough to not go eat all the snacks I bought last night.

I think I need to drink a gallon of water.


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