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Another day bites the dust

Yesterday was successful. I had 2 walks (one for 10 minutes and another for 20) and a 10 minute stint on the stationary bike. I'm burning more energy and consuming less. I ate 16 of the 20 points I am allowed. I couldn't believe how hard it was to just do 10 minutes on the bike. At one point I was going to the gym at least 4 times a week and working out for 45 minutes or more at a time.

It is so very depressing to be this inactive, but encouraging nonetheless that I am no longer allowing myself to use the recovery period as an excuse to sit on the couch all day long.

Today I went for a 20 minute walk just before lunch and hope to get on the bike again this afternoon. The evening walk may not happen since we will be my in-law's house for the night. Maybe I can talk mr ralph into going for a walk over there anyway.

The prawn salad from last night was a resounding success although mr ralph liked it more than I did. The entire meal was only 6 and 1/2 points and it was very filling. These new japanese noodles I used have a large serving size and since prawn has only 1 point per serving, it was ok to eat a lot of pasta. I think next time I will use a different style dressing. I prefer more savory things.

Tonight we will be eating stir-fry but at his mom's so I have no idea how that is going to turn out. Shouldn't be too bad though.

I'm thinking of taking some pancakes, they actually sell premade low fat pancakes in the supermarket here that you put in the toaster (just 2 points), and low-fat icecream for dessert because being at her house is horrible on my sweet tooth. She always has chocolate bars and all sorts of high-fat, sugar-laden treats just lying around.


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