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Another week gone by. Yay! I soon will be back to work where dieting is so much easier. I won't have to face the temptations of my refrigerator all day.

I did so well yesterday, it is strange how when you are sick you just don't feel hungry. I don't get it. I wish I felt like that all the time.

I snuck on the scale again today. It is a ritual I usually weight myself on Thursdays and Fridays to prepare my mind for what will happen on the scale at Weight Watchers on Saturday. I know it is a bit crazy, but I can't stop myself. It appears that I have done very well for my efforts this week. I have to think it is the exercise. I have been very vigilant at keeping to the twice a week rule, all except for one day -- and of course today has not finished yet. I will do it though.

I got my butt out twice yesterday to walk and it felt good. I really felt like I was accomplishing something. Its really not that much, but compared to being completely sedentary I have to say it is doing the trick. Although I didn't have my weight recorded last week I had put on 300 grams up to 74.4, this morning the scale said 73.3, and that was without my usual clothes and shoes. But for some reason the scale at Weight Watchers generally weighs me on average 200 grams less than mine so I'm hopeful if I stick to the plan today that tomorrow's weigh-in will have me losing a kilo. Of course all that will be recorded is 6-700 grams. But I know the truth! And it is so rewarding because it reinforces my ambition. Instead of thinking poor me thoughts about being stuck at home, I can look back on the week and see that I can do this. It just takes a little bit more digging in and perseverance than it did when I was working.

The quiche turned out well except for one thing, for some reason the tbs spoon of flour I added to the mixture ended up just sticking to the bottom instead of being anything like a crust. I will just scrap that next time. I had read somewhere you can do that if you don't want pastry, but it tasted fine without a crust anyway. So here's my recipe:

Crustless Low-Fat Quiche:

220 grams of frozen spinach (thawed and well drained) Use regular spinach if you want, I don't think it will make much difference.

9 eggs

75 grams low fat cheese shredded (I used a cheese here called shape that has the fewest points, but if you are following weight watchers you will have to add in the points value of whatever cheese you use -- low-fat ricotta cheese is also nice)

3 points worth of rindless, low-fat bacon. I'm not sure if this is common in America, but we have a weight watchers kind and Castlemaine has one too.

1 medium onion chopped

1/2 cup skim milk

Mix eggs and milk with an electric mixer then stir in the rest of the ingredients.

Bake on medium high heat (ovens vary on this one) for about 20 minutes or until mixture is firm. You can use a traditional quiche dish or any ceramic baking dish deep enough. Be sure to spray the dish with a canola oil before pouring mixture in. Makes 4 servings about 5 points each (depending on your cheese choice).


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