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I've spent some time web-surfing and found there are so many resources online for dieters and lots of other diet blogs to get ideas and inspiration from.

I also am proud of myself because I went walking today even though I feel under the weather. I walked to the supermarket and took the long way home, plus I plan to go for another walk this afternoon. I may have to go before mr ralph gets home because he can be a big baby when he doesn't feel well and if he says he doesn't want to go I may find it a good excuse to stay in too.

I snuck a peak at the scale this morning and it appears that even though my week has had its ups and downs with temptations galore I seem to be back on track for a small weight-loss at least. I have to be good on Friday night when we go out for drinks. I will only have the max 2 drinks and drink water for the duration. I don't plan on staying too late due to the flu or bug I seem to have, but I have to go because I promised my friend.

At least I am not dreading Saturday's weight-in like I was last week. This is good news.

Today I ate canned chicken soup for lunch. Since the cans were only 1 and 1/2 points each I ate two. Was pretty filling considering. I think the fact that my throat is very sore means I won't be craving the normal scratchy foods like crackers and biscuits. I read that dried foods aren't as good for you simply because they have to take the water out of them to get them in that dried state and they're usually more points for less quantity. It is true. I'd much rather eat 2 slices of bread than 8 squares of salada crackers. So if you're thinking of eating raisins, grab some grapes instead!

I'm going to make a low-fat quiche tonight and I am really looking forward to how tasty it will be.


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