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Double your pleasure, double your fun...

Halfway through I do switch gears and talk about weight-loss once again

[begin political rant]

Recently I went out with one of my aussie female friends on a night where she was meeting up with a guy she had met on one of the match websites. That night I did happen to partake in a few too many drinks due to the price of one of my favorite bottled beers being only $4 compared to $7 or even $8 in some places.

The man she met happened to be very nice, and I enjoyed speaking to him, but he had a friend with him who was with a female the likes of which I refer to as "granola". You know the kind. I don't like to contribute to stereotypes, but I hope the term "granola" is not in the least offensive to any of my readers. I like; it is good with some honey and milk.

Anyway to get to the point the man friend and ms. granola appeared to not like me and it became increasingly clear why. With every comment I made about anything they seem to have the exact opposite opinion. Somehow we worked around to my being American, and why I am living here. I heard them snicker and whisper things to themselves. It was very obvious I had come across another group of people that hate the US and everyone from there in a really unbiased way, so they think.

I eventually got ticked off about something he said about mr. ralph and left their table and on to bigger and better things, for example another beer. But it stuck with me, this feeling of being hated simply because I am American. It happens to me a lot more often than I would like; now I get the feeling it is just getting started, it is about to kick up another level.

The initial federal and local reactions to Hurricane Katrina, however, have sent the opposite message. The images seen around the world communicated a lack of competence and considerable chaos and suffering. The dominant overseas reaction has been sympathy mixed with shock and horror at what was seen by many as evidence of racism and a reminder of the extreme poverty in which many Americans live. America's enemies indulged in schadenfreude. Hugo Chavez could not resist the chance to taunt President Bush; North Korea radio linked the U.S. "defeat" in Iraq with its "defeat" by Katrina; jihadists celebrated what had happened and the possibility the price of oil would soar even higher. The world's only remaining superpower appeared to be anything but. see full article on Slate

I've already listened to people at my work who just can't believe the slow response of the US in this time of crisis, nor can they comprehend the poverty being broadcast all over the world; when you see these images you think of a 3rd world country, not the US, the richest country in the world?! Surely there is a mistake.

It is what the election year should have been about, and wasn't. John Kerry didn't get the message through to America. Bush's presidency is one of the biggest reasons the divide between the rich and the poor is growing increasingly bigger. His politics and interest in Iraq make him a main contributor to the ever increasing unemployement rate. These are things that do not get broadcast on the world news.

What you see now in New Orleans is real life in a real American city. The poor, the disabled, the old, the sick, the forgotten.
Katrina will also have an impact on how citizens of the United States view foreign policy. The enormous problems and costs associated with the hurricane will raise additional questions about the ability of the United States to "stay the course" in Iraq. The aftermath of the catastrophe will inevitably increase political pressure on President Bush to begin to reduce the U.S. involvement in Iraq and re-focus U.S. resources at home, be it on the expensive reconstruction of flood-ravaged areas or on improving the country's capacity to deal with future disasters of this magnitude. see full article on Slate

One can only hope this is true.

I fully expect to see the US's approval and opinion rating dramatically continue to decline all around the world. I don't see an easy answer in the cards. The power that America wields can only be a reflection of the strength of her economy. Much more importance needs to be placed on what is going on inside the US borders which in the end will quite possibly leave the US weakened and open to more terrorist attacks.

A lot of people are deeply regretting their presidential choice; a lot more are so devastated they can't believe what is happening.

To those of you who dislike America or US politics just remember that some of us actually agree with you; at least about some things. And didn't you ever learn, you can't judge a book by it's cover?

[end rant]

And now to go off course of the political talk to discuss my weight situation. Thanks for wading through that first part.

I've had some time off work. Well, I had Friday off (a total write off for weight-loss though), and Monday, and today is my last free day.

I took the time off when I thought I was going on a trip to Melbourne with a friend of mine. Due to a misunderstanding about the dates of the trip this ended up being cancelled. Since leave is so hard to come by at my job I decided to take the much needed rest.

Yesterday I went on a really long walk. I forgot to take my watch with me but I estimate it was around 45 minutes one way. It was around late morning and I ended up feeling very hungry. But I somehow managed to only buy only a cape see loaf from the baker's delight and didn't succumb to the desire to get my favorite cheesy mite scroll. The size of those things renders them to be at their smallest 5 points, and at their largest up to 7! Unbelievable, and so not fair.

But somehow I ended up with a bag of those new Red Rock Deli rice chips that advertise that they are 75% less fat than normal chips. This is a good thing, but a small 30 gram serving still set me back an additional 2 points on my day. And I was still hungry.

I had a good day. I tried to relax and read. I did some cleaning around the house. I read old magazines (Shape, Slimming, Weight Watchers, oh and New Woman of course).

And I ended up coming up with a mental plan. I decided it is time to embrace Spring and embark on a new goal. Forget the old plan. It is time to stop dwelling on what should be and what didn't happen.

I want to be at goal by Christmas.

There I said it.

It works out to me losing around 1/2 kilo a week. I actually find it daunting because my current cycle has been to gain that much or more every week for the past few months.

But it is warmer outside, or soon shall be. Short sleeved shirts are back, swim suits have made their way into the shops (GAH), and damnit I want to be at goal. I no longer want to hoover just close enough to taste it. I want it.

I want to stop whinging and complaining and coming up with every excuse why I can't do it. I just want to do it. So I am going to get started. No today, but yesterday.

In saying all of that, I know it won't be easy. Number one I have an injury in my neck which won't allow high-impact exercise like my favorite fat burner, skipping. But I will have to adjust to this. I will have to walk, and I'm even considering trialing the gym membership for 3 months. This is still in the thinking position though because I know how hard it is for me to get myself to the gym after work.

So there you have it. Ms ralph will no longer be sucking it in by Christmas 2005.


theaddict said…
I've been told recently by 2 people, namely Marla and Argy that they have had trouble commenting here. If you can't comment as well, please email me. For the time being I'm going to turn off word verification in case that is the problem. :)
Julia said…
i'm one of those shocked and apalled foreigners and i'll say that i try and i try to remind myself that there are soooo many sane folk living in america that know what's going on with, who want to end the continuing classism and racism.... but it's so so so hard to remember when wack-job dubya got reelected. and i know kerry was boring but it just made me cry and almost call up every buddy i got down there to yell and/or offer my couch.

so anyway, yeah. that system down there is a little buggered up when that man can stay in power.

and good luck with goal by xmas... i'm trying for the same. haven't lost a damn pound in a year. pbbth!
Kathryn said…
It amazes me that people have that attitude, and most of them are people that would consider themselves enlightened and tolerant, the kind of people who would be the first to speak out if they saw that kind of prejudgice against people from any other country. It is sad when people can't seperate their opinion of the government of a country ad that of its citizens - personally I'd hate to be held responsible for the decisions of the Howard government.

Good luck with the spring challenge.
lainb said…
I'm a fellow American who isn't too proud of our current government. However, I don't think government is completely to blame for racism. It's an ingrained part of our society (especially in the South) which has come a long way, but still has a loooooong way to go. America is a melting pot…hopefully someday we’ll all be such a mixture of races that we’ll be a SIMILAR color of gray! :)
Flo said…
Just have to point out a few flaws with your political rant. First, John Kerry did get his message across, both sides of it (usually both sides of the same issue; he wasn't known as the waffle king for nothing). FYI, Bush won by the largest margin ever I believe.

Second, we currently have the lowest unemployment rate in 10 years (at least, possibly longer).

Third, our economy is stronger than it's been in a long time and that's why we will come out of this just fine.

People all over the world hate Americans for no other reason then we exist. They can't stand that we are the wealthist country on the face of the earth and the most successful (my opinion).

The screw up in Louisana is thanks to the totally incompetent mayor and governor. The feds have their share of the blame but the first line of defense is the locals; and they were diffently out to lunch when Katrina hit. Did you know the mayor was informed of the levy break by the army corps of engineers; and he did nothing!!!

I know you're upset being so far away during a crisis like this, and I'm glad your family is okay but you need to get your facts straight if you're gonna slam the US. Trust me, I slam the government a lot (I live here so see way more than you do) but at least slam them for things that are true.
theaddict said…
Sorry, had to respond to this I just couldn't help myself.

Hello Flo,

I appreciate anyone leaving their opinions on my site, so I thank you for yours. But I do have a few rebuttals about facts and such since you seem to think I am not factual.

1. Would this employement rate you speak of be up by 10% in LA? I don't believe that is correct. In fact I just looked at the last months that were recorded and it went UP from June to July. And I'd say if you did a report on it right now, it just went up astronomically.

2. Kerry being a waffler is a matter of opinion, you have yours I have mine. You can't tell someone their opinion is not factual. Opinions do not equal fact.

3. I know a lot about the US because I watch the world news provided to me on CNN and FOX, I read US News, Time, The Washington Post, The New Yorker (the list goes on) and a number of other local papers that concern the parts of the country that are closest to my heart ie, the places my family LIVE. You cannot tell me you know more about the US simply because your address is in Hawaii.

4. I will forgive your opinion that the main people to blame were the Mayor and the Governor of LA simply because any Republican would be expected to feel that way.

And yes Americans will continue to be hated, but you have to admitt this didn't help them out any. And please feel free to read the entire article on Slate that I quoted. It may shed some light on what I was saying.
Anonymous said…
Hi Ms Ralph

I love most American people, the same way I love most Australian people. There are jerks in any country, so you can never honestly say that you like EVERYBODY. Unfortunately, both the USA and Australia are led by the most incompetent, war mongering wankers ever to hold office in the Western world. Those people who were rude and snickering about you were just plain ignorant. It doesn't matter what their reason for it was, it was just plain rude. Often people don't like the policies of the US government but they lack the intelligence to properly articulate that, so they resort to attacking ordinary citizens. I personally despise Bush and his government. I don't like the way they operate and I hate the fact that they make America act like they are the world police. Sending their military around the world to stick their noses into other peoples business. (Flo, most people DO NOT hate Americans just because they exist - what an absurd thing to say. Unfortunately, your post came across as being rather condesceding - rather ironic, since condescension is a trait that is often touted as a reason for disliking Americans).

Anyway Ms Ralph, I love your writing and I am a fascinated observer of your weightloss journey. I think you are great and I would think that no matter where you were born.


theaddict said…
In my comment I meant to say the unemployment rate went up from June to July, not down. So sorry for the confusion.
Anonymous said…
And I quote ...

"People all over the world hate Americans for no other reason then we exist. They can't stand that we are the wealthist country on the face of the earth and the most successful ([Flo's] opinion)."

So MY opinion - people hate you Americans coz you exist? No, people hate you because of perceived arrogance such as in the quote above. Personally I love America but no matter where you are from - no one likes arrogance and condecension.

(And actually, Luxembourg is the richest and most successful country on the face of the earth, with Norway and USA second.)

Flo said…
Ms Ralph,
Thanks for responding. There's nothing I love more than a good debate :)

Now, lets address some of those issues.

Unemployment: You can not use one isolated area to base your claim of unemployment in the US. LA does not represent the country - thank god!!!

Unemployment in the US is at a 4 year low at 4.9%.

It is expected to surge up to 25% in the gulf states. It won't have a huge impact on the rest of the country because our economy is so strong and can handle it. A state of 4 million people will not astronomically effect a country of 300 million.

John Kerry being a waffler is a matter of record. I can't pull it up right now but there are sound bites of him supporting an issue and being against the same issue. I always amazes me how people can call the entire US stupid for electing Bush. We elected Clinton twice - if that's not stupid I'm not sure what is.

I am sorry if I upset by saying that I know more about the US because I live here. But I stand by that statement. I read alot of stuff on California because I have family there and that's where I'm from, but I don't really know what's going on till I get there and talk to the folks who live it day to day. I don't know the next town over as well as I know my own. Even though I drive through it everyday and shop there, I don't live there so it's just not the same. As for watching CNN and Fox and such that would give you a very jaundiced view of the US.

I'm not looking for your forgiveness on my opinions, thanks. First, I'm not a Republican. I think both Dems and Reps are full of crap and wouldn't trust any of them as far as I can throw them. Anyone who wants to be a politician is immediately suspect in my book.

I'm a conservative. What does that mean exactly. It means I believe in self responsibility. I would not look to government for anything and don't think they have any place in my life. There job is to make sure all the states play nice together and provide for the common defense.

Now, as for believing that blame lies with the local government. I live in Hawaii where we have had 2 very large hurricanes destroy our islands. I KNOW where the responsibility lies as I've lived it. It is up to the local government to provide shelters, evacuation plans, means to evacuate, and assistance to their community. Both times our local government handled it amazingly well. (FYI both times they were Dem gov and Mayor). When a hurrican is heading towards the islands, the military pull out. They have a better chance of riding it out at sea then in Pearl Harbor. So we are left on our own and again, our DEMOCRATIC government handled it extremely well.

People are always going to play the race card because that's all they have. They have been raised (by the government) to believe they are victims. As such the race card is the only one they got. I tend to have a generally higher opinion of people. I don't see this huge government consipiracy where all the powers that be sat around and said " Oh, that's New Orleans, they're mostly black, we don't need to rush help there." Because in order for race to really be an issue, someone would have had to say that and others would have had to agree.

From someone who dated an American for two years, allow me to shed some light.

Please, don't kid yourself. We aren't jealous of America. America itself is gorgeous. The geography is breathtaking. The culture in some parts lead me to tears on many occassions. To say I'm jealous is arrogant.

Jealous of what? Your right to own guns? *laughs* Your massive selection of fresh, beautiful foods? Give me a break.. Perhaps it's jealousy of your outstanding Government's view to murder hundreds of thousands of women & children then justify it as 'getting the terrorists'. Super power my ass.

My ex partner was a staunch and proud American. It is safe to say he came across as arrogant (as most who have never travelled abroad do tend to come across).

He spoke of politics, boysteriously argued with others in Australia about how America was the greatest country in the world. He never got admiration, only pity.

After living outside of America and viewing how 'the rest of the world' viewed America, he became ashamed of the small things his country portrayed.

In my line of work I come in contact with people from around the world. Once again, those Americans who have experienced something of the world, were terrifically grounded and could argue intelligently about the good and bad of their country.

There is good and bad in EVERY country and our home is usually where our preferences lie. I will never deny anyone their patriotic right.

But to sit back and tell another American that her view is wrong simply because you get the California news because your family lives their, isn't that arrogance at it's best?

Rebeka has had the opportunity to live outside her motherland. Being a regular reader I have heard her heart break for home and I have heard her ashamed of her country. I respect her 100% more than you Flo simply because she has taken a step outside the square and can see a little bit more than you ever could. Though I'm pretty sure after this you will come back and tell me that you've travelled abroad, you went to Hawaii once for spring break.

At what stage do you read someone's blog, then correct them on 'their opinion'?

Once again, I love America, however I pity the media Americans are generally fed, I pity American TV and the 4 ads per minute for anti depressant drugs (what a lucky country) and takeaway food. I also pity the many many people I met in my travels who were so pumped up on their own self importance (Flo for example) and yet they call it 'self confidence'. Take a step outside. We aren't jealous.

Rebeka, you are doing the best you can to blend your married life and your childhood. You are struggling with finding a balance between a love for your homeland and gaining an existence in your new environment.

I have heard your voice and your frustrations at both Australia and America. There are ignorant people in both countries. I'm glad you've got to stand outside the square.
Anonymous said…
I hear you.. I agree with all you have said about poverty, Bush and attitudes. This must be a very hard time for you right now - good that you have Mr Ralph, he sounds like a lovely man... sort of like my man.
Flo said…
I find it very interesting that I was trying to have a civil exchange of ideas and end up getting attacked for it. I did not come here to "insult" Ms Ralph, or to "correct her on her opinion." I never said people were "jealous" of Amercia. I was trying, as I said, to have a civil discussion where people who didn't see eye-to-eye could exchange ideas. But since that has just resulted in this becoming a personal attack on me; I will leave. I'm very sorry we can't talk as reasonably educated adults but that's fine. I had no delusions that I would change your mind, as I'm sure you know you can't change mine. But an exchange of ideas is what keeps things lively and interesting. As a scientist I am constantly seeking to learn how things work, including people. I am forever wanting to talk to people of differing opinions as I enjoy learning and seeing all sides of an issue. Ms ralph, I read your blog now and again and really enjoy it. You are intelligent, articulate, and very entertaining. I had really hoped for a lively and ongoing discussion. Oh well. Life goes on.

Oh, and Beckie, yes I have traveled extensively abroad and I live in Hawaii.....
CAD Monkey said…
I wasn't terribly thrilled with either of the choices for President this election. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Good for you, for getting back in the right mental state. I hope to be not far behind...once I get my stupid right leg working correctly again!
Anonymous said…
woohoo! there ain't nothing like a bitch fight between nations ; )

Beck - here is a little aussie that loves you just the way you are! You are a beautiful girl.

And just for the record - have never been to america, never looked outside the square but, I love the United States! And I'm not afraid to admit it (anywhere that produces Sex in the City is worthy of a bit of loving in my eyes!)
theaddict said…
I had no idea this entry would cause such a stir, but WOW. Thanks Becks for sticking up for me! Thank you Flo for stating your opinions once again, but I don't think you've read my entry properly or any other one for that matter. I never "played the race card". I've only been appropriately ashamed of the federal response in which President Bush himself recently admitted was shite.
As for the unemployment rate in La? Well you may not think it is important to the standing of the US, but I do; and the people that live there do. Also it is very relevant to the article I'm quoting and the international perception of what is being shown on TV about the US. Which, if you read my entry you'd know I was referring to.
You may think you know more about the US because you live there, but that is just arrogance and ignorance on your part.
Wenchy said…
All the best for reaching that goal by Christmas!!!
Shannin said…
Well, I didn't vote for Bush either time, and I disagree greatly with his politics. I think that we are divided more today than almost anytime in our history.
Anyway, don't want to ruffle any more feathers, but thanks for that post.

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