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Borrowed from Michele

If you are a regular Michele reader I am borrowing this from her daily 3 things she did on the 17th because my answer is somewhat of a fascinating topic for me and am very curious what my readers will say. Please comment, even you lurkers!

Name three commercials or advertisements that you have seen or heard, that actually made you want to buy the product or service:

My answer:

I hate to admitt this but I am the biggest SUCKER for advertising. I am brainwashed in mere seconds. I even eat fast food when recommended to me by my TV even though I normally steer clear of it and eat a healthy diet. I am an advertising giant's wetdream. That said, here are the latest:

1.Mcdonalds new fresh menu and their current campaign of "your inner child". I even sing the song. I've already been there and tried the new "healthy choices".
2. Cheerios. I didn't even know they had them here in Australia until the ad came on. I bought a box that weekend but this could also be because I love Cheerios.
3. Willy Wonka chocolate bar; the whole movie was an ad for them and I ate one the same weekend as seeing the movie, but only one.

I am tragic.

Now you play!


Shannin said…
I think I'm pretty immune to advertising. There are commercials I like but none stir me to run out and buy a product. I don't pay attention to labels or brands. No matter how great Pepsi commercials are, I will always be a Coke gal.
Argy said…
I used to be like you so much! Id buy everything advertised in a cute way, from food to detergents! Not to mention cosmetics and girly stuff! But since I went organic I don't find anything that appealing. Food commercials still trigger some fake hubger in me while I watch them, butthis depends really on my psychological state at that moment. I do not go out to the shop to buy that luscious ice cream cone when I see it anymore though. All these poisons inside it are a great put off! And organic stuff companies are not that rich to get to advertise in the telly yet, thank God!!!!
Anonymous said…
okay, i'm so not fun for this one but i don't really fall for advertising. when watching TV i mute the commercials and HATE when dan wants me to turn them back on so he can see what's happening in one of them. i haven't watched tv commercials in years and years. and when reading magazines i rarely look at the ads. unless they are for furniture or something but then i just end up wanting furniture and not necessarily the furniture of the advertiser ;)

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