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Don't ever think....

Just when you think that things couldn't possibly get worse, they always do. Isn't that the way? I have been going out of my mind for the past few days because I cannot contact my friends and family.

My Mother, Father, and niece sought shelter at my brother's house in Baton Rouge the day before the hurricane actually hit so they were very lucky to not be at their home when it did finally reach land and go east. My two best friends were still at home when I was able to speak to them in their early hours of the morning before the hurricane had caused any damage in their area. I spoke to my brother and my mom and they were fine, but since then the phone lines have been down and I have no idea what has happened to my friends or my sister.

The whole thing is just massively depressing. From over here all I see is the places I called home under water, or destroyed.

I don't know what else to say. If you can, please send money to help the victims of this horrific disaster.


Kathryn said…
I hope you hear from your family soon and that they are all safe and well.
I can't imagine what you are going through. I do hope you hear from them soon.

The itsy bitsy silver lining I see is that you are here. Safe. Sound and well.

I'm sending a few sparkles your way....
Argy said…
Oh honey, I hope everyone is safe and that you take care of yourself too!

Hang in there, I am thinking of you.
Anonymous said…
I am in Arkansas so if there is anything I can do from within the US that you can't please let me know. Sorry to hear this.
Mz.Elle said…
I am watching the news here in BC and my heart is breaking.Know that people all over are thinking of all of you and sending our love and support.
Denise said…
There are people all over my company making disaster donations which the company will match at $2 for every $1 donated. I know it's still a drop in the bucket, but we're all pulling (and praying) for them!

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