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A trip down memory lane

Hello to all of you all of you coming via Michele, thanks for stopping by and I only hope it was worth the trip over.

I began reading through the questions on the Slimmer of The Year application today. Of course there are so many things I want to include, but I can't possibly write everything I want to or they will be getting a novel.

When I started thinking of how long I have been overweight and the reasons I struggled for so long with food and weight issues a lot of memories came back to me.

I've been challanged by my weight for most of my life. Granted some of that time I only thought I was fat when I really wasn't. The point is that I have been fat inside my head for as long as I can remember.

One of the most shameful and embarrassing moments was when I was 15 and some of the boys in my class thought it was funny to sing "thunder, thunder, thunder thighs hooooooo!" when they saw me coming to the tune of the cartoon "Thunder Cats."

That experience really hurt even though I tried to ignore them, every time I heard them singing I wanted to crawl inside a hole and hide.

I still have to remind myself that this is really happening to me, I am actually going to reach my goal, and this is only the beginning of the rest of my life. I have all the tools to stay here now. I've lost large amounts of weight in the past, but I've never truly been where I am today before.

This time is different because I've made it here through hard work. I have spent the last few years relearning and reconditioning my attitude towards food. I've learned a lot about myself and have grown stronger emotionally through the process.


Panthergirl said…
Woo hoo! I'm first via Michele. Love your layout...I will be back later to read some more!
Natsthename said…
Hi, I've been here before, but Michele sent me this time! Looks like you're still moving on down the scale! Good for you! Woo hooo!

Have a lovely day!
Michelle said…
michele sent me and I will definitely be back. congratulations on your weight loss and on being so close to your goal. way to go!!! maybe some of your determination will rub of on me. I could use it!
Suzanne said…
children can be so cruel at times! I'm sorry you had to go through that, but am very proud of your attitude and winning disposition! Good luck, and congratulations on your successes till this point!
i'm here via Michele...hello!
elle said…
Congrats on being so close to your goal. You are an inspiration. Ive lost and gained enough weight to build another person so I know how hard it truly is. Brava.
Michele, the spreader of comment love and joy, sent me. I will be back. I'd like to see when you cross the finish line. I'll be cheering for you.
Argy said…
Well, michelle didn't send me, but I got to comment too ;o)

You are so right...weightloss never happens right by just eating well and exercising religiously. I mean surely one looses tons of weight like this. But though this part is really hard, the really TOUGH one is to keep it off. Aknowledging the issues that built the fat at the first time is all that matters. And you have done this so well :)

As for those boys, I bet they are bald with beer bellies now! And smelly breaths too!!!
Ella said…
Congratulations - you are an inspiration.

Oh, and Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your success. I have been battling my weight ever since the 2nd grade. It sux. you can do it, you certainly have a great attitude.

Oh and Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Michele sent me...

Congratulations on your weight loss and your new attitude!
lainb said…
kids can be sooooo cruel...and it's amazing what events from our childhood influence us for the rest of our lives! I honestly think there should be a "life" course offered in elementary school -- focusing on things like respect for other humans/animals, stress management, emotional health, etc. And, Silverella is right, those boys are probably big & bald right now...while you, on the other hand, are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Robin said…
Tag! Ha! Good... the timing is perfect for the spotlight to be on you!

I just wanted to say that the phrase, "fat inside my head" is ringing so true to me. I guess until I get "skinny inside my head" I may always struggle with my weight. You gave me a good tool for my journey. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Hello, Michele sent me. Congratulations and well done.
You are really doing great! I, too, am on a weight loss path and its not easy. The only way to make it is through hard work and determination. I am going to link to you so I can check back and see how you are doing!

Michele sent me!
Sleeping Mommy said…
Here via Michele. Hello!

And I admire you for working so hard to meet your goals. It's really inspiring for those of us who are far far away from our goals.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! You must feel great to be so close to your goal.

Been here before, and will be back, but for today, hello, Michele, sent me

Cara said…
Hello! I've been here before but I'm glad to be here again via Michele! I'm so glad to see your weight coming down and I am so happy for you.
I can really relate to what you said about "always being fat in your head". That's how I have been ALL of my life and now that I am overweight (due to hypothyroidism) it's been the toughest battle to try and get it off. I will NEVER complain about being 5'6" and 143 lbs.!! I have you on my list of favorite blogs and will check in from time to time to see how you are doing!!
CheekyMoo said…
I'm so proud of you. It's so hard to reflect back on the "fat" moments, hurtful things ppl said, etc. It's hard work and you've done so well.

In my comments you asked about my surgery, I blogged about it here if you ever have about 4 hours. LOL!
Anonymous said…
Hi! Came through Michele. I guess I am late for the party. I will bookmark and read later tonight. Visit moi sometime :)
Anonymous said…
you are so near your goal! you are so near. i am so happy for you, hun!
Denise said…
I was here via Michele yesterday but am under my own power today, and just wanted to comment that I can remember people making elephant-like noises when I walked by when I was in junior high. I weighed between 115 and 125 at that point (I'm 5'3") and was totally convinced that I was the fattest thing in the world. Stupid, stupid people. You are beautiful now, you were beautiful then, and you will always be beautiful...being fit is all part of the journey.

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