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Weigh-in April 23rd

There were of course more than a few possible titles for today's entry, but I went with the obvious.

So what have we all been waiting for? I weighed 67.8 kilos today, a loss of 200 grams. I now have 3.8 kilos remaining to lose before I hit my goal.

Of course I was disappointed, I would be lying if I said I was happy with that result, but as I said to mr. ralph as I was leaving the meeting, "it is better than nothing." And to that he smiled and said, "that's right."

As we were driving along I asked him if he was surprised that I wasn't more upset about the weigh-in and he said, "No, because I think you were prepared for it, but I also think you will have a much bigger loss this week."

What a great man I have.

All my crying and complaining this week inspired an entry by a new reader of mine Meg. She along with a lot of others have been very helpful this week. I don't think I could have made it this far and still be going without it. If you have the time it is a great entry to read, especially if you are losing weight.

Today I brought home with me a color copy of the application for the WW Slimmer of the Year Award. I thought if I put it somewhere in my house where I can see it everyday this will be an additional reminder that I have something immediate to aim for. Without that I could let this last few kilos linger too long, and I just don't want that to happen.

If I make it I of course will be over the moon, but if I don't, well, I can always apply next year. The thing is I will always be a former fat girl revamped into a healthier, thinner version. I have to settle in for the long-haul and know that this part, this is just the beginning even though it seems like I'm getting closer to the end.


phoenix said…
Everyone in my office is dieting. I know I should but I am just not ready yet. I commend you on your stead fastness. I can only hope that I will be like you are now when I take the diet plunge.

Hi, Michele sent me :)
Angie said…
Hi! I'm a lurker here, I have you on my blogroll, but today I am visitng via Michele.

I am currently trying to lose weight, too, so I understand your struggles and disappointments. I have just started and have lost 9.8 pounds so far. I have a long, long, way to go. Keep up the good work!


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