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Only Tuesday?

I know it is only Tuesday, but so far I am pretty pleased with my efforts. I did the walk on Sunday (and I haven't exercised on the weekend in sooo long) and I actually went jogging/walking last night before Desperate Housewives was on. It was dark and cold, but I dressed warm and mr. ralph went with me.

Also, yesterday I ate a lot of veggies and stuck to my super low point day without going over.

Can you tell I'm very happy?

I also have been lifted up by everyone who has responded to my Help Me Win plea. You guys are simply the best, and I believe that my including all of your comments in my application will do more at showing my weight loss journey than anything else because this is where it all happens for me.

I come here to complain and whinge, I come here to get motivated, I read all of your journals to know that I am not alone in this journey. Without the weight loss blogs I don't really know if I would have stuck with this through the struggle. Remember back when it all began? I had a lot of reasons to stay on the couch.

Having somewhere to go when I was having a down day really changed the attitude I had post-op. I could have felt sorry for myself and I didn't. As I go back and reread old entries I realise I was a lot stronger than I even knew at the time.

So thanks for being my shining stars. I love you guys. I really do.


Anonymous said…
I agree. Having the support of those commenting in a weight loss blog is very uplifting and motivating. I find a lot of strength and encouragement from those who stop by and take a moment out to console me, laugh with me or at me and otherwise just be supportive.

Hoorah for your "stick-with-it" weekend! Today I came crashing down the carbo alley and we're not talking fruit-type of carbs either. But I'm still moving and grooving and kicked it on the treadmill *and* eliptical, so I'm not letting the carb-slip get to me. Well, not entirely.

Keep up the great work! :D
Argy said…
Ah I am so delighted to hear you so energised and determined! It really goes both ways for all of us in the weightloss blogosphere! You do the same to me, lift me up, show me it is doable, gimme a shoulder when I need one!

It is really done with a little help of our friends!
Anonymous said…
I love my online support (sometimes more than my 'real' friends.) Hey! can you do me a favour? I want to change my background, can you send me a short how to comment - i am so over the dots!!!!

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