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A Friday Update

I wanted to update this morning but blogger was being a pain in the behind.

Thanks for letting me know about my typo in my upper arm inches. Could you just see me walking around with upper arms the same size as my thighs?? That would be hilarious especially since my thighs are somewhat enormous anyway.

I have tried to get myself motivated towards exercise, but I have been so tired. I know it sounds like an excuse, but I have not been the same at all since my fusion in late September and then the inevitable return to full-time hours at work.

I just cant seem to get the energy up to even take a walk. Of course exercise was easy when I was working part-time, but now it seems like I literally have to FORCE myself out the door.

I was home at a decent hour in the early afternoon on Thursday so I went out for a walk, if I'm a really good girl I will do the same this afternoon when I get home.

I need to make myself up a schedule and stick to it next week because I am so good at making up excuses as to why I can't exercise.

I hopefully will have a loss to report tomorrow morning, although I'm sure if I do it won't be much. I'd be happy to lose the 500 grams I gained last week, but I'd take anything at this point.

I've been pretty good with my eating, except for the Cadbury Caramello Egg I ate yesterday. But I had to pick up something at the chemist and there they were, calling out to me. It was pretty yummy too I must add.

Oh and I had half of one of mr. ralph's choccies I bought him because he had a stressful day and I know how much he loves mint lindt balls. It was sooo creamy and delectable.

I received an email from one of my lurking readers this morning that was so uplifting. She told me how much I encourage her.

To tell you the truth I was really speechless after reading it. Half of the reason I write this is because I know that there are so many people out there in similar situations, just looking for someone to identify with so that they don't feel alone in this weightloss struggle.

The other half is just so I can keep myself motivated by reporting any happiness as well as frustrations; I am inspired constantly by all of you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be a part of your week.

Let's hear it for the weekend!


Shannin said…
It's always nice to read someone else who is in a similar place. I know that I can always count on your posts to make me smile! I am with you on the weekend, even if I do have to work tomorrow....grrrr....

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