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Missed opportunities

This week has been crazy.

I haven't been able to do as much exercise as I would have liked because a few unplanned events kept me from it.

Last night I was planning to walk after work but a friend of mine needed someone to sit in for her and get a manicure as part her friend's exam. She was stuck and really needed someone, plus it was free. But, it meant that I didn't get home until late last night and then felt too tired to walk this morning.

So of course I told myself I would walk this afternoon, but then this morning the person I carpool with told me that she couldn't give me a ride home tonight so I had to catch the bus and by the time I arrived home it was raining and already getting dark.

I feel so defeated. I hope it is not raining tomorrow morning because I need to get this together.

And to make the day even worse, payroll has taken another large sum of money from my check without telling me why and by the time I left work they still had not gotten back with me to tell me what the hell was going on.

I'm not very impressed with having money missing from my check two pay periods in a row. And I'm really not impressed with how long it is taking them to sort it out.

On top of all of that, I have huge knots all in my upper trapezius that is making my life sheer hell.

So you can see today I am not in the most cheery of moods, but I am not forgetting my goal. I can still see the end in sight.


I know how you feel. I started my diet Monday, and while my eating has been good I haven't been able to exercise because my daughter has a stomach virus. I felt defeated by it, but then I said - This is what I could do today. I did the best I could do. And tomorrow, I will do the best I can do. Really, that's all we can do!

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