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New Plan of Attack

Yesterday was a very bad eating day, but then again it was the Super High Point day. As of today though, it is the last bad eating day I am allowed for 21 days.

I'm committing 3 weeks of my life to a detox diet. I got my inspiration from this month's Madison magazine and Dr. Joshi, diet guru for the stars, but I haven't bought his book because it isn't available until June so I am assembling my menu plans from the list of allowed foods they had in the magazine article.

The major things you are not allowed are Alcohol of any kind, Citrus fruits or any fruit other than banana's, Low fat yogurt, Regular or Skim milk, Sugar, Caffeine, Fizzy drinks, Gluten, Wheat, and Red Meat.

You are allowed gluten and wheat free bread [I bought some and it isn't very nice] as well as gluten and wheat free museli, but because I couldn't find any museli that was gluten and wheat free I decided to just buy plain rolled oats. Since you are allowed organic honey, I plan to eat that with the oats.

Also instead of skim milk you can have soy, rice, or goats milk. I've never tried it before but I bought my first soy milk product today. I plan to have that with the oats.

You are also allowed to eat natural yogurt so I bought some of that and will probably mix honey with it as well to help take away the bite.

This diet is very similar to the no-carb one I did back in January so I feel pretty confident I can do it. I've given up caffeine before, but I know it is going to be killer for at least the first few days as I have 1-2 cups a day plus diet coke.

I'm actually looking forward to this because I've become quite bored with the way I've been eating. Maybe this is why I have been finding this last few kilos so hard to lose.

I did a 30 minute power walk this morning so I already am on the right foot with my exercise. I plan to do something else this afternoon, maybe some strength exercises and more skipping. I have to be very careful now with the skipping and jogging because last night the pain returned in my sternum. The joints there are quite painful because of lack of use since the operation.

Other than that I'm feeling very optimistic.


My Shoes said…
good luck to you! i need some inspiration. your blog has some energy and inspiration about it! I need to myself motivated to go to the gym. There is nothing like paying for a 2 year contact gym membership and you do not go. I have just let about 3 months go ny without going.
Anonymous said…
Hi! Good luck to you wiht the detox. I wanted to tell you that I have a friend that is gluten/wheat intolerant and she has a recipe for bread that I can try and get for you. She also has a great recipe for a flourless/dairy free chocolate cake that is just fantastic, but I'll wait to give you that recipe until your detox is over ;)

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