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So here I am sitting at work on Friday afternoon. I feel scared of what tomorrow will bring with the weigh-in, simply because if I have no loss this week, I don't know how it is possible for me to reach my goal by May 20th.

I've worked fairly hard this week, and I just don't have it in me to work any harder.

I feel like a big baby right now crying out, "It's not fair!" But that is exactly how I feel.

I just want to see the end of this but I feel like there is no end in sight.

I've received several really encouraging comments and emails this week. I have tried to contact everyone personally, but if I haven't let me just say that the support I have been given is phenomenal. You don't know how important it has been because I have seriously been down in the dumps in a major way. No one should feel like giving up this close to goal!

After I wrote my morning entry I decided I would start my morning off right with a burst of exercise. I threw on my shoes and grabbed my skipping rope and was out the door.

I jogged down to a small park near my home and did around 200 skips alternating each session with lunges, and when I had finished that I jogged once around the park before going back home. All up I only spent about 20 minutes but it was high-impact and I was totally out of breath.

This effort really made me feel much better, because at least I know I am doing what I should be and not sitting around the house moping and bemoaning the fact that the weight is not peeling off.

Throughout the day I have been excellent with eating and have drunk around 3 1/ litres (5 600ml bottles)of water already.

My lunch and breakfast were purely protein and my snack was a lowfat yogurt. There is no reason why my body shouldn't let go of at least 500 grams at the very least for me this week.

This entry is more of a reminder to myself that I should not let what happens tomorrow make me feel shitty. If it does happen I could undermine another week by emotional eating on the weekend.

I've got to keep myself going, and expect to see real results soon.


Michelle said…
way to rebound from a discouraging day! you are such an inspiration.
Meg said…
I've worked fairly hard this week, and I just don't have it in me to work any harder.

You don't have to work harder. It's okay. You're doing fine. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you're doing exactly what you need to do.

I feel like a big baby right now crying out, "It's not fair!" But that is exactly how I feel.

I just want to see the end of this but I feel like there is no end in sight.

Oh, sweetie, I know the feeling. I know the exact same feeling because I had the same thing happen when I got close to goal-- I spent weeks crying and miserable, frustrated to the point of my head popping off. I was really mad; I felt like I had been promised that if I did this stuff, this stuff that I didn't particularly feel like doing and didn't really like, then I would get what I wanted.

I don't know what to say except that eventually you do come to terms with it and settle in for the long, long haul. But this is the biggest challenge-- the hell with May 20th, that's an arbitrary challenge. The challenge I'm talking about is the one that stops 90% of all the people trying to lose weight, on any plan: making the transition to the idea of forever.

I won't kid you, it's hard. You'll spend a lot of time being mad, and frustrated, and miserable, and depressed, and it won't seem like any of this stupid stuff is worth it. And that's the thing that makes people give up, close to goal; that's the thing that makes people who get to goal go back to their old ways and gain twice the weight back.

Nobody warns you about this phase, but it happens to everyone, and it is possible to get through it with your weight and sanity intact and come out the other side as a person who's in a lifestyle, not on a diet. Just stay strong, dear one. Know that you will be sad and you will be angry and you will want to throw temper tantrums, and that this is normal and expected and just a phase, like adolesence. Know that you're going to be one of the few, the proud, the ones that make it through this phase and to the other side. Know that no stupid mood is going to derail the mighty things you've accomplished, because you deserve every day of your new healthy life.

You'll make it. I know you will. Go ahead and vent-- it helps! Just keep moving, keep eating right, let the days keep moving! And believe me, please, that your May 20th deadline isn't anywhere near as important as getting through this phase without giving up. This is the thing that kills most weight loss. You can beat it. You can.
Anonymous said…
he michele sent me, must investigate site further in the morning as rather hyped on white wine at present..
Anonymous said…
erm, it wouldn't let me leave my identity, so in trine from in case you were wondering...
Tammy said…
You sound so motivated!

I love your design, and really love the slide show, what a great idea!

Thanks for visiting me via Michele!

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