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Day 6 - weigh-in ~ Miracles do happen!

I am on top of the world because finally the scale is showing that this detox and the extra exercise I've been doing is finally working. Wait for it....

I weighed-in at 66 kilos!! That's a loss of 800 grams since last Saturday! Yippie!! I couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning because yesterday the scales were stuck at 67. So how did this happen?

I have some theories, but if you are squeamish when it comes to bodily functions being discussed this is the time to stop reading.

First of all this morning I awoke to my period starting, which means that all the pre-menstrual bloat would have been happening the previous few days, and I also had 2 natural bowel movements in the early hours of my morning, this I believe is due to all the extra dark green vegetables I've been eating on the detox.

The reason I said natural bowel movements is because not long ago a good cup of coffee in the morning would get me going, but now that I'm not drinking anything other than water, orgnanic teas, or water... things are starting to move due to all the fibre I'm taking in. All the toxins are finally getting cleaned out.
I have to admit I'm loving this detox.

I found some gluten and wheat free museli bars today that are full of seeds and nuts and are oh so good. They're 2 1/2 points each, but I figure with all that good stuff in it I won't want more. I bought single serving packs of cashews today as well that are a 3/12 point snack, but worth it as well.

I found it difficult to reach my points last week so this week I should be a healthy way to help me reach it. Of course I still need to eat the same amount of veggies, which shouldn't be too hard. I may add the cashews to veggie stir fries just too spice it up some.

So there you have it. Just 3 kilos left go to go and baby nothing is going to stand in my way!


phoenix said…
Hi Michele sent me and keep it up!! The hard work always pays off in smaller clothes :)
Anonymous said…
CONGRATS!!! So close to goal!! With the detox and the green'll be a piece of cake!!
Sooz said…
Congrats! You go girl!!!
Hi! The veggies would certainly have helped with the bowel movements, but I find it's the period starting that seems to really push things along. Both the uterus and the bowel wall are made of smooth muscle and they seem to work in tandem at times. Isn't biology fun? Good work on the detox!

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