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Weigh-in April 9th

I weighed-in today at an amazing 67 kilos! Wow!! Do you know what this means? I am only 4 kilos away from my goal. 4 kilos. Also, this week I lost the 500 grams I gained over Easter, and am now at a record low.

One of the women that works at my meeting asked me how close I was to goal and she said, "I knew when you came back to the meeting when you were still wearing your neck brace that you were going to do it this time." She said, "I can always tell by the way a person walks in the room, by the way that the carry themselves, and it was obvious that this time you were determined to reach your goal."

That was one of the best compliments I've received.

The meeting was exceptionally BORING today. My leader is quite possibly the worst WW leader in the entire world. It was obvious she didn't even prepare for today's meeting and was just repeating things she had read in the latest WW magazine.

I could have read that on my own. I get more inspiration and helpful hints about weight loss from your blogs than I do anything this woman says.

Weight Watcher's slimmer of the year applications are being taken for 2005, but in order to apply you have to reach goal before May. That is not long away, but I really would like to apply.

So that means I have to kick it into overdrive and get this last 4 kilos gone.

So that is my goal. I'm not 100% sure I can do it, but damn if I'm not going to try.


Zee said…
You're almost there! Way to go! Cheers.
Anonymous said…
all sounds like good stuff! Happy Weekend, from Michele's meet and greet.
Anonymous said…
Wow - Good stuff! Thanks for visiting me earlier via Michele's weekend meet & greet!
TC said…
Awesome! You've done so well, and it would be fantastic to see you go up for Slimmer of the year!
Anonymous said…
Just found your journal today through the "we are slimming" site. Your stats are very similar to mine. Fantastic site you have here ... added it to my favs list. Well done on your achievement so far!! Wonderful effort! Glad I got hold of your diary before you got to goal so i can share the moment with you when you get there!! It's an unreal feeling!!! See you at goal baby!!
Argy said…

Baby I am just SO happy for you!!! And I think you should try to get on the Slimmer of the year too!!

4 kilos to slimming queen you!!!
lainb said…
You're so close!! You'll have no problem getting "slimmer of the year"! I'm so happy for you!!!!
Robin said…
So very VERY proud of you. May is not that close... and with your dual goals, you should have no problem finding both the motivation and the means to push through these last four kilos (by the way, what does that translate to in lbs?)
CheekyMoo said…
I'm 120% sure you can do it. You have the fire behind your words that I see in the goal making people I've come to respect and be inspired by. Congratulations! I'm still about 30 pounds away but I know I'll get there. Tomorrow would be nice but I can wait. :)
Anonymous said…
how cool! you are so close!!! it's very exciting! it would be kick ass if you were SOTY. they should put you on the cover since you are looking mighty foxy i must say :)
Yup, I abolutely need to agree with Diet Girl here - front cover girl!!

Go for it. 4 kilos? pfffft, if you want it bad enough you will make it happen right? *wink*

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