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Life happens

I wish I could tell you guys that everything is on track and that the reason I have not been writing is because life has just been too good. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Winter is generally a crap time of year for me. I thought that this one I could get a handle on it and not have it get the best of me. I was wrong.

Exercise? Who me? Eat healthy? Um no.

Last night I wanted chips so mr. ralph went out at midnight and got us chips and dip and we sat in our pj's watching the England and Portugal quarter final stuffing our faces. Am I painting a pretty picture?

For the most part I eat well. I do. I do not stock my house with these kinds of foods. I have learned that because I am an emotional eater, it is better if I don't. But mr. ralph is too easy. Where I won't go out and buy something at midnight, if I ask him too he will go for me. Yes, I do believe we are in a co-dependent relationship, even where food is concerned. We both eat when we feel emotional. I don't think mr. ralph would admit to it, but he and I are a lot alike when it comes to food.

Not too long ago we were both doing well. We exercised together, we kept food diaries, we weighed ourselves weekly and tracked our progress. It was one of the best times in our relationship because we were both feeling so healthy.

I want to get back to that, but I don't know how.

I try to motivate myself and I can do okay for a little while, but motivating someone else is another story.

I don't even know where I am going with this now, except sometimes life gets the better of you. Feelings get in the way of the things we want to achieve. I hate that I can be so ruled by my emotions. I want to get a handle on things, but doing what I know I should is the hardest part.


...jus me said…
I am starting all of my healthy eating yet again today! I really do understand! My hubby is easy too! Not that he would want to get get chips at midnight but he doesn't know what I should have and shouldn't and will even get stuff for me when I am trying to be good! Gotta love him!
Anonymous said…
It happens, and I'm glad you got to get it out.
Margaret said…
Winter is such a tough time on the motivation - especially when it is not the first winter in the weight loss journey. I know that I have found it the hardest period to date. I too have a co-dependant husband and I only have to whisper the word 'pizza' and all our hard work goes flying out the window.

Will we ever change? I am not sure we will. But the frequency of the whispering can get better and that is all I am aiming for.

Keep your chin up. I am sure that as the days get a little warmer, and a little longer, your motivation will starting kicking you along like it did before.

Hope you find some sunshine in your day :D
Anonymous said…
oh seriously! I am with the girls. It is just soooo cold and sooooo hard to get up and walk in the morning! I am thinking about joining a new women only gym because once I have paid for exercise I am much more likely to do it. Just keep remembering that your clothes are fitting much better!

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