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Being Good is so Hard

Last night I ate Singapore noodles and fried rice from my favorite Asian place. Mr. ralph and I have been so broke for the last couple of months that spending $35 on take-away is a luxury. So we did it last night. I shouldn't have eaten the whole serve, but I did. My tummy ached from the fullness.

The plan was that this weekend things will be different. I will exercise, and I will eat healthy. So this morning after being woke up by the Big Cat, Buckley twice I got my butt out of bed, put on my walking gear and hit the street. It was a cold, wet morning. I really did not want to be walking. The first 10 minutes were the hardest.

Along the way I did stop a few times to look at the Salvos shop and have a coffee. Walking down the main road I went past so many temptations: a bakery, where I could smell the bread baking; McDonald's where I could smell the hashbrowns being fried in canola oil; and finally the last one, a cafe, where I stopped and ate and had my coffee.

Why is it so hard to lead a healthy life?

You know I actually like healthy food. I love grilled fish, chicken, salads, vegetables. I don't have a problem eating things that are good for me. What is the problem then? Flat out laziness. I've stopped pre-planning my meals. I end up sleeping too late and not having a proper breakfast. I don't make my lunch. I am too lazy to even prepare salads or vegetables to take to work with me.

I need to plan for this week. I will conquer this. If I could just lose 1 kilo this week I will be happy.


Anonymous said…
hi..i believe u can do how is singapore's noodle? hope its nice..take care..and believe in urself..
Anonymous said…
now thats more like it my girl!
srp said…
Here from Michele.

Doesn't it seem as if you can gain weight just by looking at food when you are trying to diet? The exercise is supposed to suppress the hunger and give off something to make your brain feel euphoric. Mostly it makes me sweat. If this were Vegas where the humidity is 0% and exercise sweat dries before even dampening your clothes it would be one thing. But this is Virginia where summertime humidity rarely falls below 60%. Good luck.
carmilevy said…
You will succeed because you have the power to prevail over moronic purveyors of fast food.

When I used to run early in the morning, I was amazed at how McDonald's seemingly pumped out the smell to attract everyone in the neighborhood.

Now that I'm on the bike, I notice it less because I simply slam the pedals a little bit harder when I pass any place that serves food.

You're right: it IS tough being good. But SO rewarding when we get into a good groove.
Wenchy said…
You CAN do it.
Hi - just discovered your blog. I have great difficulty at times with keeping on track as well - it seems like everyone is trying to do something to tempt you. You have the right idea with the planning it is the key to being prepared. Have a great weekend this
Anonymous said…
You can do it rebeka. I know its a lot easier said than done. I had a shake for lunch. Sigh
Anonymous said…
Aw, don't call yourself lazy. It's not as much about lazy as it is about tired. I feel the same way- I like healthy food, I like to cook, but after awhile I just want to eat like a normal person and not have everything be so complicated. It's normal, try not to beat yourself up- you have done so well!
Jeanna said…
I love my diet food too, I just don't feel like getting up and actually making it these days. We'll get through it, sometimes we just need a bit of a break.
Lidian said…
It is really really hard being good - and I can't beliee how much of my energy goes into NOT eating this or that, how much energy it takes me to stay at an OK weight, not amazingly thin but just sort of normal range. And it really doesn't seem fair does it? It isn't really! I could so relate to the takeout - I long for takeout, we get it every other Saturday for a treat and it is sad how much I think about it. Japanese or Indian or Thai - your Singapore noodles sounded very good to me! BTW I love your blog and am a longtime& long-distance reader (in Canada). I'm in my early 40s and an aspiring mystery novelist who yearns for a chocoalte chip cookie no smaller than my head...
Unknown said…
Self Deprivation is so hard. I walk downtown and see all the people dining and I just get so irritated that I can't eat like that...sigh....The little greasy diner downtown smells so good my legs almost buckle when I walk past it. YOu should do what I do complain about my suffering loudy and to anyone that will listen (and even to the ones that don't)
Anonymous said…
big hugs, dear one. you know my thoughts. you know i believe in you even on those days when you most completely and utterly do not believe on yourself. on those days you just think to yourself, well honestyrain believes in me today, that's something.

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