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Size matters

What is the difference between an AU10 and an AU12?

-around 5 kilos give or take...

That list could go on and on, but what I really want to say this: I am sick of not being able to wear my size 10 clothes!

I knew this was going to happen to me. When I hovered around 67 kilos and was wearing a lot of size 10 clothes. I got burnt out. I was sick of it all. I couldn't reach 63 kilos and I literally gave up.

Now I don't know how much I weigh, my guess is around 70-73. Thankfully I wear size 12 very comfortably and don't need to buy new clothes...

But I want to be where I was again. I liked being thinner, I felt better.

The last few months I have been in serious denial. I avoid the clothes I know I can't wear in my closet (wardrobe) and I tell myself that I am still beautiful. I'm not anywhere near as fat as I was when I moved here.

Last night I ate a seafood basket when we were out. We all know what that is right? Fried fish, scallops, calamari... Afterwards I had a mental talk with myself. It went a little like this:

Do you really need to eat like this? Wouldn't you have been happy with the Salmon? You need to get a hold of your eating now or you will be buying new clothes. You won't like that! You can't afford that!

I probably said a few horrible things to myself too, about how disgusting I am. Mr. ralph told me the other day, "I wish you wouldn't talk to yourself like that. Maybe you should say I am getting thinner, instead of I am so fat."

I started to think about that, and the man has a point. Obviously all the negativity I am spewing on myself isn't helping me.

I have 2 weeks leave starting Monday. I have decided to use my time to organize myself. I am going to be my own personal trainer. I am going to get a move on and start exercising daily. I am going to work up a food plan that is doable, one that doesn't leave me completely deprived and looking for snacks on day 3. I know what I can do during the work day and I will find a way to make it doable exercise wise too. I know what I need to do. I can't afford to go back to Weight Watchers, but I don't need to. I have all the tools.

Today I am doing the shopping. So that means I need to plan what I will be eating, now. I am trying to decide if I want to go low-carb. I think I do because in the past eating more lean protein has been good for me. It keeps me fuller.

The main thing I know I will need to eliminate from my current diet that is going to be the toughest is wine. I love my wine, especially on the nights when I am alone. This is a problem. I know that alcohol is a crutch, a lot like food for me it comforts me.

My issues are numerous right now. But it would be stupid of me to let these things get the best of me. I am strong enough to take control of this. If I get started now, I may be into my size 10's by summer... And you know if I am depressed about the size of my legs and arms now, when I have to put on my bathers it is going to get much worse. I can't avoid bathers either because I love the warm sun on my skin so much. Curses! I guess I better get my shit together now then.

There is also another thing I want to do during my 2 weeks off. I want to start writing my book. I have lots of material. Can you believe that lately I burst into tears at work? Too much emotions all bottled up. I need to write it all down. I have a best-seller just waiting to be written. Will I actually write? I don't know. That is the plan.

I will at the very least chronicle my 2 weeks here. I plan to write at least once a day. This is going to keep me honest and I have always been more committed when I have been writing.


Lidian said…
I can really relate to everything you wrote in this post - sounds a lot like where I am at now. Trying on the clothes that were baggy on me last summer and I miss that feeling but it is so hard not to have treats when I fel I deserve them (a lot just now, as I am under a lot of stress). Plus also the book I was working on so nicely this spring (though all in various haphazard chunks)? Not so much right now. I feel lazy and yet I need to write,I really do! I am looking forward to hearing how your 2 weeks are going - your plans all sound really good. And please tell us a little about your book, unless it is too personal (I can totally inderstand that, so please forgive me if that is out of line, I kind of have a huge problem talking about my book even to DH so, um, there you go)
Anonymous said…
You will get through this.
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you keep mentioning planning. It's job one, when it comes to weight loss or anything else worthwhile. All the best.

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