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Wine? Yes please!

I didn't do as well on Tuesday as Wednesday with my eating, but it is because we went to a lodge dinner last night. I did well and choose the Barramundi, although it was served with hollandaise sauce! It was delish! Oh it was so yummy. The major downfall of my eating was having wine. I had no willpower at all when it came to the alcohol. Sparkpeople says I should eat between 1200 and 1550 calories a day and yesterday I stayed just under that. I also walked for over an hour.

I still feel like I should be doing more.


Jocelyn said…
Sounds like you have turned a corner and started getting back into the swing of it. Good for you.

I have to agree on the jeans sizes here in OZ. You cant just pick up the size you normally wear, you just have to try them on because they vary so much.

And if you're passing round the wine, Yes I'll have some too lol
Anonymous said…
Wine? Did someone say wine? Actually my alchohol weakness is gin.

It also sounds like pant sizes vary all over the world, not just here in the US...

Love the blog!
Anonymous said…
I've been lurking for a while but never commented, but just wanted to say good luck. None of it is easy - the weight loss, the- writing, the getting sorted (I know I'm going through all the same things myself!). But bit by bit you'll start achieving your goals and it will be SO worth it! Hang in there!
Belladora said…
You are trying and that's what counts. And it could have been much worse than wine. Wine can be a good thing:)
Wenchy said…
You keep trying and that is the amazing part.
Anonymous said…
I heard the word wine and had to locate you! Red is my downfall...sigh
Anonymous said…
Sis, from one fatty to another, you just need to get right with yourself no matter your size. All that energy you spend on tracking food!
Lidian said…
Sizes are crazy everywhere, and it drives ME crazy - I can be anything from an 8 to a 14, depending on the brand. Sigh.

Every day is hard for me in a different way - some writing and diet stuff never gets easier, I think. Hope everything is going well or at least OK for you...look forward to hearing from you!

The main thing, like everyone is saying, is that you (and I, and lots of others) keep on trying, are still in the game, even if we sometimes are on hiatus.
Anonymous said…
Good for you - keep up the good work! I know it's hard, but it's worth it!
Sounds like you are on the right path. It is tough my weak spot is certain sweets. I get a bite of some kinds and I can't stop. I have taken to avoiding the trigger foods altogether.

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