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Day 2 - Oh Dear God!

I knew this was going to be somewhat tough, but I didn't expect last night. My husband was drinking the diet ciata (which he is allowed) and I kept staring at the glass imagining the taste of it.

There is something incredibly satisfying about how a really cold sparkling beverage tastes.

And I got the headache yesterday while mr. ralph and I were walking. We went up to the trail over at Waterfall Gully, but found it was closed for repairs and then decided to walk along the Torrens.

It was a gorgeous 45 minute walk and that made the day's total exercise for me 1 hour 15 minutes. That is the most I've done in one day in months! I also did some crunches and butt exercises in front of the TV later on.

Can you believe I was tired and hungry at 7:30 last night so I hopped into bed and soon after fell asleep? Maybe the lack of caffeine and sugar made me feel more zapped than usual after all that exercise? I don't know.

It was probably a good thing since you can see I'm writing this at 4:49 am and I am doing it without coffee. I have to leave here at 6am to catch the bus into work. I think today is going to be super hard as I watch everyone at work drinking coffee and cokes. Thankfully I found an organic vanilla flavored tea that is divine. This guy only allows organic teas which of course are caffeine free. But, I can do it, I'm sure it will get easier.

I've already committed myself to it so I have to do everything I can to see it through. Anyone else (Argy) out there find they were really drained when fasting from sugar and caffeine?


Anonymous said…
I gave up sugar for over a year, and the cravings will probably go away just as you're finishing your fast (at about 3 weeks). Also gave up caffeine - I'm still off that one. The few times I've had caffeine since, my mood changes drastically for the worse! Increase your veggie consumption and your fast will be much easier. And if you don't like veggies, eat them in a pill! (I have more info on that at my blog.)

Anonymous said…
I don't think I could make it through day 2. Once again, you are my hero :D Your detox has started me thinking about just how much sugar I do take in. I dont' have a sweet tooth, so I'm not constantly looking for candy to eat, maybe a small bite of chocolate here and there, but my sugar addiction comes in the form of bread. I can't seem to do a day without bread. I'm seriously going to try to cut it out/down of my diet.

I was once a caffeine/diet cola junky. I would drink at least two huge 32 ounce cups (troths more like it) of it per day. Then at some point, I really don't know when, I stopped buying soda. Now, I can't stand the taste of diet soda, not even when I have a craving for something fizzy. I'm always disappointed. So, I cut much of my caffeine out that way. The one thing I haven't been able to cut out though, is my one cup of coffee with a little bit of cream in the morning (no sugar). I love it. I crave the taste of the coffee, but I'm sure the caffeine is also helping me out.

Sorry for blabbing in your comments! Keep up the great work!
Argy said…
First things first. Congrats for completing yet another day!

Now, I have some experience with detox, and I can tell you that fatigue is one indicator that the detox is working for your body. When we get our bodies to detox mode, poor darlings have to work so hard to get rid of all the toxins, that they need their sleep more than ever!

Drink more water than ever, it really makes toxins go away faster. And try not to drink water an hr before and after a meal. The digestion will go smoother and more toxins will go away during your digestion process, meaning the headaches will go away sooner!

If you can have apples, have as many as you can. They have peptin (now this is a guess of how this word could be in on the leptin, which in greek sounds leptini), an enzyme that aids digestion.

You know one of the basic function of toxins is to act as conjuctive to the fat. They keep it together, since they nest mainly in the fat.

When the toxins are gone the fat has less resistance, and you can get rid of it faster!

You are on the right path baby, keep this on, and you will be amazed!!!

I'm here for you!
CAD Monkey said…
I tried to give up caffeine once, during my ill-fated one-time Atkins trial. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. I commend you for your bravery!

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