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Weigh-in Nov 20th

I lost 700 grams, and weigh-in at 72.6! That totals 1.5 kilos this past 3 weeks, which is an average of 1 pound per week. Let me tell you that when you get down to the bottom 3rd of your weight loss goal, losing 1 pound a week is something to get excited about!

I know it is the exercise and I feel pretty terrific about it.

The other day I wore this pair of size 12(US) jeans that I actually bought when I couldn't pull them up past my hips. I got them at the local Salvation Army store and thought they were gorgeous. They're boot cut and the darkest blue denim and do not stretch. I thought I'd be the happiest kitty in the litter when I could wear a pair of jeans that doesn't stretch. And I am! They look gorgeous on me (or so I think). It was a great feeling. Now I need a new goal clothes item to shoot for. This time it will be a size 10 (Aus 12).

I wear some size US-10, and Aus-12 clothes now, but not usually in pants. The reason behind that is I carry most of the weight I have left to lose in my hips, butt, and thighs. I'm actually quite pleased with my stomach, except I'd love to have a 6-pack, but then again who wouldn't??

Tonight we are going to eat pseudo-Mexican, I say pseudo because the Aussies don't do Mexican proper at all. Trust me, when you come here just eat anything Asian and leave the Mexican to the Mexicans and you will thank me for it. But, it is generally laden with lots of fat and cheese. I hope to choose wisely and exercise my butt off today and tomorrow to counteract any damage.

Last night I went out with a girlfriend for a few drinks and then had a few skinny lattes before going to see The Grudge. I had dinner out too, but choose wisely with a grilled chicken (larger than average serve) and mashed potatoes that although had some form of margarine in them didn't seem laced too heavily. The Grudge was pretty creepy and I jumped in my seat more than once.

On the agenda today is hopefully a new design for this blog, along with some house cleaning and exercise.


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