Every new year for most of my life has been about making new plans to lose weight. I make a pact, write a contract, buy a book, join a weight-loss club, or all of the above. I do it hard and I do it with gusto for at least 2-3 weeks before it starts to crack and fade. I can't say I've never been successful with my attempts to lose weight, because that would be a lie. I've lost just over 30 kilos and actually kept it off. I still have 5 kilos to lose before I'm in my normal weight bracket, and 10 before I will feel satisfied with myself. The past year has been a very difficult one in the life of ms. ralph. If you read here then I don't have to tell you about it. Let's just say that I'm lucky I didn't gain back the 30 kilos and then some. I've faced a lot of crap and although I've been stuck somewhere between 66-69 kilos for the better part of the year, I consider myself very lucky. I just read an entry written by Airlie , one of the most op...
addiction, food, alcohol, love, recovery