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A day of desire

Today I had so many cravings. On the way to work I couldn't stop thinking about Krispy Kreme donuts and this place in Albuquerque that sold these huge cinnamon buns covered in butter. Mmmmm. So when I got to work instead of eating my bran cereal like a good little girl I got a chocolate covered donut.

I figured since I wanted it so bad I had better listen to my craving.

Now I want chocolate! Go figure.

I wore jeans to work today because it is a casual day and the ones I choose are size AU12 but are falling off of me. It makes me feel skinny to wear them.

At work, a colleague that knows a little about my situation with my injury said to me that she has noticed over the last few day I seem to be more cheerful and have a spring in my step.

It has been exactly one month on the pr0zac, and I have to agree there has been MUCH improvement.



Belladora said…
I've taken Prozac a few times in my life. It has always worked great for me. Good luck! I'm glad to hear it's making a difference:)
Thumper said…
Well now *I* want a donut! ;)
Anonymous said…
happiness inspires further weight loss, whatever you're eating. the biochemistry of happy is less likely to let fat develop on your body. i am so glad that the prozac is improving your state of mind...more because i think you deserve to feel good than because you may lose those last ten pounds but the ten pounds? bonus.

how hard would it be to dream about a tasty food that is thousands of miles away! how did you survive that! no kidding you got a donut. geez.
Marisa said…
congrats on the "big" jeans. And I'm so happy to read that you're feeling better.
Meg said…
Oh, thank God. I was so worried about you for a while there; I'm so glad that the Prozac is kicking in! ::hugs tight::
Shannin said…
I am so glad things seem to be on an upswing for you. It's gotta be encouraging to hear it from other people as well. Congrats on the jeans, too - feeling good and looking good!

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