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So not impressed

Tonight I had my psych appointment, but instead of 7 it was set to be 7:30 because I had to work later.

I had to catch the bus and hurry to get to the appointment on time, and as I was starving I tried to eat an order of wedges (I know not the best choice) and I burnt my tongue trying to eat them fast as well as only finishing about 1/4 of them. I gave the remaining very hot, very fresh wedges to a couple that were just sitting down waiting on their food so they wouldn't throw them away.

I rush myself over to her house where she holds the appointments and there is a card on the door with my name on it.


So I open it and inside is 3 $10 dollar notes and a scrawled message that says: Thanks for letting me take R. away from you tonight, it is a very important function. Here is the money for your taxi fare. signed J.

Again, What?

I was so not impressed. I had just given away food! Arrgh. I had worried I would be late even.

So I caught a taxi home and then had to ring and cancel my booked taxi that was meant to be picking me up after the appointment.

What really made me angry was the fact that she of all people should know that it is just not cool to do that.

I had 2 distraught messages on my home phone. One was left at 6pm saying she hoped I could change the time but if I didn't call her she would be there. The next was at 6:40 pm stating that she was sorry if I went to her house and wasted my time but decided to go because she will be meeting the governor.

So yeah, not impressed.

I left her a message saying how unimpressed I was, but acknowledged that I was glad at least she tried to reach me.

I will be in Tasmania next week so I hope she reschedules me for the end of the week.

And on the food front. I'm so not eating right. I'm eating like a person that doesn't have a food addiction and doesn't need to watch what they eat. Somehow when I started seeing a flat tummy I decided I didn't need to worry about this so much anymore. I need to find a happy medium so I don't gain any weight back.

I'm still 5 kilos, 10 pounds outside my goal.


Denise said…
That's definitely not cool for a mental health professional to do - I'd think about looking around for another option.
I have been having SO much trouble commenting on 'Blogger' sites over the past three days. Not sure why.

1st - THANKS SOOOOOOO much for the beautiful card you sent! It will go straight into Bradman's baby book!

2nd - not cool. Thats a shitty thing for a counsellor to do. VERY unprofessional. Very.

3rd - I love the new positive change in you
Anonymous said…
If she has only done this once, then I'd be more understanding, due to the fact that it's something that's happened only once and for a special occassion. Plus, she did try to reach you several times and left you money for the cab.
theaddict said…
If anonymous is the same regular anon reader, I actually agree with you this time. I still found it really not cool, but have decided to let it go. This time. If there is ever another incident, we may have a problem.
Shannin said…
I think you should talk about it, and it seems like you have the right attitude - not cool, but as long as it doesn't happen again. I'd also see if I could get her an alternate (cell or work) number in case something like this happens again.
Rebeka, have you considered turning off anonymous comments?
Anonymous said…
wow, pretty unprofessional and inconsiderate. i'd be mad. but, if it was the first and only time, i'd let it go and make sure she understands you don't want it to happen again, of course. leaving money for the cab was good, to be sure.
Not cool at all.

Re your weight, tell me about it. The last bit is the hardest to los and often the hardest tomaintani. For those of us with food issues I think it's 90% mental when we get down to the last little bit.
Where areeeee youuuuu?

I miss your updates!
laura said…
i got sick of sucking it in too...but sadly i still have to...been reading blogs...i cant believe how inspired most of u r...i've lost my motivation..i need help

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