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Back, well sort of...

Where do I begin? We are now in the final stretch before Christmas and I'm feeling the stress. I have to be perfectly honest with all of you regarding my food and my weight. I don't even know how much I weigh because I am terrified of the scale. I don't think I've gained very much because I can still wear the same clothes, but I know that I'm not doing well.

Mr. ralph and I have had a lot of Christmas dinner parties and still more to go. I've drunk a lot of alcohol and ate a lot of food! I didn't even care. We also went to Tassy for a conference that mr. ralph was a part of, and you know how eating is on holiday.

This week isn't going to be any better either. I've committed myself to making chocolate chip cookies to sell, and I've got things to do almost every night this week.

Oh and needless to say I haven't done my Christmas shopping either. We have a few items but the majority of the shopping will of course be last minute. The best kind eh?

You know what I'm thinking? I'll be stoked if I can just make it through the holidays without going insane and gaining 5 kilos. I know I need to face the scale sooner or later. I'm thinking maybe tomorrow morning I will do the dreaded deed so I at least know where I stand going into Chrismtas.

There are other things on my mind at the moment. Things I'm reluctant to talk about. I want to get it off my chest, but I think I may wait to talk to R. my psychologist on Wednesday before I do a big spill here.

Sorry for being away for so long. I have so many blogs to catch up on now too!


kenju said…
Is that you in the photos below? YOu don't look as if you need to lose weight to me. Get on the scale; at least then you'll know if you have to forego the cookies.

Michele sent me.
H Rebekah...Michele sent me, sort of..I always go to the last two people, in case someone got missed....Anyway, I need to look at your pictures..(should have done that before commenting, but..I'll comment again...) It is a curse to be worrying about weight all the time..I know, because I worry about it, too...and I think we put too much emphasis on it, you know? And with Christmas almost's hard to be thinking abot 'My Diet'. HELP! I really wish I could just let it rest!!!
Well I looked at the pictures and I don't see that you need to lose weight! Truly! You look great!

Did I say earier Michele sentme? (lol)
Prego said…
We should not step on a scale until April... and I agree. You look fine. The numbers you see on the scale is just the planet pulling a bit harder than usual :-)
Shannin said…
You look beautiful as always, and I love, love your hair! Very sassy.
Jocelyn said…
You look great in your Christmas Party photos! Dont stress too much about the scales, it will either be good news or bad news and stressing about it wont change that.

You know what you have to do to turn it around, and when you are ready you will do it. In the meantime concentrate on enjoying things in the moment, focus on the things about Christmas that you enjoy (other than the food if possible). There are no punishments if you gain a few kilos, just a little more time in taking them back off.

Have a wonderful Christmas

Joc :-))
AliRose said…
Wow, I love your hair in those pictures. You look absolutely beautiful.
I love Joc's comment. - When you get on the scales it can either be good news or bad news. Stressing wont help.

You look simply beautiful and healthy. Enjoy Xmas and give my regards to Mr Ralph!

Anonymous said…
hell with the scale. your clothes fit. you are wrong, you do NOT have to face the scale. kick that damned thing out of your life. now is a great time. let it be your christmas gift to yourself.

hell with the scale!!! come on, bec, you'll feel so much better. trust me. come on.

with love, as always.
Wenchy said…
You look absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!

Just wanted to wish you a very HAPPY, HAPPY Christmas. :)

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