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Did you know?

I should have known or seen the signs, but I was in denial. I made an appointment to see a psychologist last week because I knew deep down that things have not been right since the beginning of my new injury.

One might say it was the beginning of the end.

I haven't been able to get control of my eating or exercise, I haven't been interested in seeing my friends, I haven't been interested in sex, or much of anything at all. I've been completely exhausted and work takes all of my energy. I have lots of pain and live day to day wondering what the next one will bring.

I've cried a lot more than usual as well. You could say I am overwhelmed, but what you should say is I am depressed.

I didn't want it to be true, but sadly it is.

The psychologist was shocked that I am working full time hours. She had me do a psychological assessment. I will see the results on Tuesday. She is going to send my GP a letter regarding my mental health and I will be seeing her on Saturday morning. I don't know what the blood test will show, but I think she is probably going to recommend some sort of anti-depressant.

The concept isn't new to me. About 5 years ago I was on pr0zac and I actually faired quite well on it.

I saw my physio today and she has written a letter for me to give my GP recommending I take at least 1-2 weeks off work and when I return that I do so on a part-time basis at least until things begin to improve with my health and my psychological well-being.

Even now all I want to do is cry. And you know what the worst part is? I feel angry at myself for being sad. I so badly hate not being in control of my feelings that I am mad about it.

How frustrating is that?

Thank you for the compliments on my hat and retro outfit. I had a good time dressing up and it is fun for me to make things. I really love it.

I don't know what Saturday will bring. I have to think that my GP will go along with my physio's recommendation. I don't really care what work will think of it because they are the ones that have put me in this position to start with. I cannot continue to work full-time with this pain and inflammation in my neck/shoulder. It is killing me physically and mentally.

And I was doing so well. Sigh.


Anonymous said…
I can relate to what you have just said and I too thought that you were depressed. I have given up my job and am not working at the moment in order to regain my mental health. Good luck, I hope you will be happier soon.
M@rla said…
Hey chickie:

unrelated to this post, but since you asked: TOM = Time Of the Month. I picked that up on various blogs, but I also get a lot of my favorite phrases here:
It doesn't feel like it, but this is a positive step forward.

You know as well as I do that depression isn't a failure on our part and certainly isnt a reflection on our emotional strength. It is a chemical imbalance in our little head.

I think the time off will rejuvenate, invigorate and help balance you again. Don't fight it, have a good cry and allow your doctor/ physio/ psychologist to help get you back to your true self.

I think it'll be the beginning of a new you. :-)

P.S. Wish I had the same lack of libido.
P.S. Walking away from my job signified a massive increase in my happiness, just like Lynda.
Marisa said…
Like Beckie said, it is a positive step forward. Mental health and physical health go hand in hand. I'm glad you're getting help for your depression. My heart feels for you and I hope things keep getting better.
Denise said…
I'm so right there with you and I wish you the very best as you do what needs to be done to feel better.
Anonymous said…

You are still doing well, because you're taking care of you. That's crucial, important and wonderful... even though all the causes for it suck, and things are rough, you're still doing positive things for yourself.

Hang in there... you're obviously a tough cookie, and I don't doubt you'll get through this!
Shannin said…
This is totally a positive step, even though it may not feel like it. Pain is a cause of depression in a lot of people, so I hope you don't feel alone.

Sometimes a little break to take care of OUR needs is exactly what we need to move forward. Here's to good things coming your way...
Jocelyn said…
I cant offer any advice, but I hope things work out well for you. And like I tell my kids its OK to cry sometimes. :-)
Anonymous said…
You are so courageous to face this head on and admit you need some help. That is the actions of a strong and inspirational woman. I am thinking good thoughts and sending them your way. Lisa
Christi Nielsen said…
Great blog. Love your honesty. You might want to check out my photo blog regarding my issue with my weight and the societal pressure to be thin.
CAD Monkey said…
I'm so sorry. I know that damn hole, and how hard it is to pull yourself far enough out of it to get some help...but I'm glad you managed. I hope the medicine kicks in soon!!

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