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New Developments

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a lawyer to discuss my workcover situation. For some reason this scares me, but I'm not sure why. Maybe because the future is on shaky ground? All I know is I'm frightened.

Today I went in to work to get some of my workcover documents because I'm meant to take everything with me to the lawyer's office tomorrow and I asked my team leader if I could copy some of the reports they have that I may be missing. I didn't tell him why, but he seemed strange about it and told me he would do it and post them to me. Doesn't really help me for tomorrow though.

I weighed myself for curiosity sake this morning and discovered that I am down to 67.6. This is good. The major side effect I am experiencing since taking pr0zac (today was day 4) is I am not very hungry.

I didn't eat dinner last night but I thought it was mainly because I ate breakfast at 12pm and then lunch around 3:30pm. At dinner time I wasn't hungry and I had a bag of nuts throughout the day and just didn't feel like eating it. This is not like me at all. I never skip dinner.

And tonight I had my psychologist appointment at 7pm and mr. ralph had his lodge meeting at 7 as well so we decided to eat later. It is 8:35 now and I'm cooking the lamb steaks but am not hungry. I don't know if I should make myself eat or not....

The psychologist appointment wasn't exactly what I imagined it to be. We just sat there talking about the different things that have happened to me in the past week. It was more like catching up with a girlfriend than anything else. The hour flew by and before I knew it the taxi pulled up outside.

She seems to be a very lovely woman. She has already paid me a few compliments, but one has to think this is an occupational hazard. It would be necessary for her to build a good relationship with her clients, but still it is nice. For instance tonight mentioned my weight loss and she seemed surprised and said, "so I wonder what you looked like before at that size because you are hugely attractive now." I was a bit taken back by that, because I don't see myself in that light.

So I'm nervous about tomorrow, but I'm sure that the end result will be good. Hopefully she will help me put the future in perspective. And the hunger issue? I'm not really going to worry about it at the moment. If I loose weight due to taking these pills I can't see how that would be a bad thing.


Anonymous said…

Please read this paragraph.
'Friday I visited a friend of mine who is overweight, and has been since I met her. She's actually put on a lot of weight in the time I've known her. I've seen her go from one diet to the next.
First it was Sure Slim (don't even get me started on that evil diet) and then Weight Watchers, then she went to a Nutritionist that put her on a diet that was almost exactly the same as WW, then it was back to WW, and at the moment she is doing some Liver Cleansing Diet for 8 weeks.
Yes, that's right 8 weeks. But I looked at the menu that was provided in the book and it doesn't sound that hard. She can actually eat wholegrain bread unlike the one I did that didn't allow gluten. Only thing is you aren't allowed to eat processed or fast food, and sadly she practically lives on the stuff.
I honestly think, it will do wonders for her if she sticks to it. I'm very proud of her for the moment, I hope she follows it through, but the probability of that is well.. her track record is not so good.'

As you may see, I have cut and pasted this paragraph from one of Bec's previous journal on october 16th. I must say I am very insulted because this person she is talking about is ME, I was just waiting to see a fat photo of me and a enormous arrow pointing at it saying 'SEE SHE IS FAT!'. I have had a weight problem all my life and have only just found my feet, but I am 21 years old... what age where u Bec when you decided to lose weight?? It some times takes a long time I understand that, gosh I should be dieter of the year but I can gurantee there are people in the same boat around my age. I can reason with the fact that Bec is a 'diet junkie' and maybe she was just being nice but with a quote like 'She's actually put on a lot of weight in the time I've known her', I can only imagine what she has said behind my back....I know you are depressed (I've been there done that) but why say stuff like that on a public were bound to know I would see it, u told me about the website. It wasnt that you wrote that I was on a constant diet, but the fact that you would accuse me of eating fast food all the time (which is a complete bullshit) and that I cant follow things through.I dont beat myself up about stuff but to here that coming from a friend really hurts.I have tried and I have failed at times but at least I am not sitting around measuring my self every 2 seconds and actually doing something about it. I have been such a good friend to you Bec, but ur too involved with your self to see that. Not every thing is about you.

ps: For everyone out there, liver cleansing is great have lost almost 5 kilos, 3 out of 8 weeks to go, plus I go to gym 3 times a week and do karate so yes I can stick to something! I may not be a size 10 but I am healthy and feel good about myself.

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