Yesterday was probably one of the lowest days emotionally that I have had in a long time.
It wasn't that the lawyer made me feel bad, but talking about my health with her made it painfully clear that I am going to be like this for the rest of my life. Usually people develop degenerative neck disease when they are seniors. I am the lucky one that has it at the age of 30.
After I walked around the city for a while, and put some cash down on the brown dress I went home and crawled into my bed.
I can report that the pr0zac isn't really helping. Plus I broke one of the rules by drinking an entire bottle of wine last night.
It wasn't that the lawyer made me feel bad, but talking about my health with her made it painfully clear that I am going to be like this for the rest of my life. Usually people develop degenerative neck disease when they are seniors. I am the lucky one that has it at the age of 30.
After I walked around the city for a while, and put some cash down on the brown dress I went home and crawled into my bed.
I can report that the pr0zac isn't really helping. Plus I broke one of the rules by drinking an entire bottle of wine last night.
Wish I could make things better, but you're definitely in my thoughts!
Please remember that you are stronger than most. Take pride in that fact. The days seem dark now, but I know you've seen darker. Take care, and wait for the daylight -- it will come.