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Day 3 --an update

So I started with great intentions, but Sunday wasn't as great a day as I would hope for day 1. I did keep my food journal and that is a plus!

I also didn't eat junk food.

Monday was much better although I felt subconsiously hungry all day. I allowed myself one treat at night, some low-fat icecream (one serve).

Exercise hasn't really happened yet, but I keep thinking about that dress. I have just about a month to get some weight moving so I can wear it.

I desperately want to wear it so I can have a unique dress that no one else has! I love the colours and the way it flows. It really is pretty, the light in my picture doesn't do it justice.

I also wanted to add that I never meant to infer that everyone who seeks gastric bypass is lazy and seeking surgery for a weight-loss cure all. Please don't take my comments to mean that. I just think that it is becomming too common-place in our society and something we should think about.


Shannin said…
Guess I should have read this post before your previous one. I still stand by my comments.

Surgery has finally become more and more accessable/available for people who have no other alternative. Just like chemo is used to treat cancer, WLS is being used to treat obesity.
Shannin, good luck with your results and Rebeka, I understand where you are coming from. I felt the same at one point in my life. I felt like I was doing all the 'hard work' when they seemed to breeze through.

I didn't comment on this before, because I wanted to gather my thoughts.

Like Airlie, I lost a friend to gastric bypass surgery complications, just last year. It's tragic and everyone wants to blame that surgery for being evil etcetc. I know I did.

But here is the thing. Dad has lost most of his cousins recently. All from heart disease, related to obesity. Isn't this worse? I would rather they took the 'easy way out' and had Gastric Bypass Surgery than to lose their life because they were morbidly obese.

Any anger, or criticism, or resentment at weight loss methods, shouldn't be directed at Gastric Bypass Surgery but at the multi-million dollar diet industry and at ourselves and at our environment.

To say that these people are taking the easy way out is not true at all. Let me explain.

What is the hardest thing about losing weight? Is it? walking up a hill? Is it passing up a chocolate milkshake? No, it's the mental self image we have and struggle with. It's dealing with the inner child who was told they are useless, fat and ugly and it is dealing with our own acceptance and self love.

We could lose weight with WW or Jenny Craig or have gastric bypass surgery. We do have one thing in common though, the 'hard part'. The HARD PART is the mental challenges that come with losing weight.

Yes I agree, Gastric bypass patients seem to have weight fall off them easily. They seem to breeze through it but like us, the mental side is a MASSIVE hill to climb.

A girlfriend of mine in QLD lost over 70 kilos through Gastric Bypass surgery and had to have weekly counselling to deal with her emotional issues that put her on the operating table in the first place. She had to exercise! (though many believe that surgery = no work weight loss)
She also had to deal with problems, infections, vomiting (after she exceeded her 1/2 cup limit of food).

I never looked at her, nor other friends who have had the surgery and thought they took the easy way out. Though it changed their life, it was never easy.

We need to understand and accept that each weight loss method doesn't suit everybody. We ALL have to go through the mental struggles, regardless of what we eat or how big our tummies are.

The mental struggle is what makes or breaks our efforts in the end.

The ultimate result is one to be praised in the long run no matter how you achieved it. A long term, healthy person who has just increased their fitness and life span.
theaddict said…
As always my wonderful readers have really openned my eyes. Thank you Shannin, Beckie, and Beatte. All of you have helped me put this in perspective.
Oh don't get me wrong hon, this is a very hard and controversial subject. We aren't doctors and and we aren't professional weight loss experts.

I STILL don't know where I stand on this topic, but I am happy it has helped alot of people live alife they deserve.

There are always people who lose weight for all the wrong reasons and with shocking methods. I think so long as the outcome is a healthy brilliant shiny new person, then it was right for them.


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