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weigh-in Dec 18

I intended to post the weigh-in yesterday, but it just wasn't possible. So I know the date in my title is wrong. Sorry folks. But, I lost 200 grams. I think it was just dehydration. I now weigh 71.5.

I went out with a friend of mine last night and had way too much to drink and am now paying the price. Good news is it a nice cool day outside and I have a lovely hubby who is making me some eggs and toast.

I may feel human later today, but I doubt it.

But now I have to talk about Friday night. There is this friend of mr ralph's that I've come to loathe. I mean that in the most sincere way possible. We are like oil and water me and this guy. The last incident was had at a mr ralph's younger brother's 21st in which we had a very drunken conversation as to why he doesn't like me and his response was simply that I am not good enough for the mr ralph.

Yeah. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

You can expect that this piece of information was the straw that broke the camels back.

He has effectively been black balled. We haven't seen him very much since that night because he is scared of me, but when we have seen him I usually just ignore him because he is a worthless piece of shite.

But friday was weird. I think he is so in love (not the romantic kind) with mr. ralph that he feels the need to play nice so he can have his sandbox buddy back.

The thing is I have never kept mr. ralph from socialising with this guy. He only thinks it is my fault that mr. ralph doesn't like going out with him and would rather be at home. Why does the wife always get blamed??

Even though my hate for him knows no bounds and I quite often refer to him in a negative way, I still often ask about him and tell mr. ralph he should call the guy and go see him. It is true. I want him to feel he can have any friends he wants. Even this guy, because I would never want to interfere with his personal relationships.

I don't want to be that woman.

This guy must have been the drunkest person in the city. When he saw me he came up to me and went straight into my personal space saying, "heelllllo friend of mineeeeeeeeeeee." and hugged me. This from a guy that always requires to be at least 3 feet away from me at all times.

Then through the course of about an hour he gave me more compliments than I've recieved in a month's time. When you tell a woman that she is looking trim, and good, that she is a peach (whilst messily kissing her cheek), and that you love what she's doing with her hair, even while you are so pissed you are spilling beer on her feet, you want something. You want back in the good graces. It was so obvious. I mean shit, I know I look pretty damn good, but last night I hardly tried.

So the question is, do I let him in? And the answer my kiddies is no. This guy has done this so many times with me it isn't funny. He pisses me off one week by saying ridiculous insensitive comments, and then a few weeks later tries to be all nice and sweet. I've fallen for it too many times. I like compliments. Every girl does, but the gall of him to think that he can buy his way back into the good graces with a few sweet words is even more reprehensible.

Women actually eat this guy up, they lap at his feet begging for his attention. It makes me feel ashamed of being a woman sometimes.

I feel bad for mr. ralph because he really wants us to be friends. But, I don't think it will ever come to pass. And it isn't from my own lack of trying. I gave it a go, hell I gave it a few years and the guy just cannot get his act together. If I try to do the forgive and forget thing, he will no doubt do something again to make me want to strangle him.


hello! michele sent me.

first, congratulatons on your continued success at losing weight. i admire people who are working hard at making any aspect of their life more intune with what they dreamed it would be. it's easy to want but not easy to go get so i applaud you.

second, my huband has a friend who i do not care for, have been snubbed both he and his wife for no known reason to me and i could go the rest of my life without seeing these people. but i do not expect husband to disown the friend. until the friend does something directly horrid i can excuse his lack of social graces and personality. ;) i feel you on mr ralph's friend. no advice, just commiserating.

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