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A chill in the air

The weather here is unbelievable. Sooo HOT last week and today a chill is in the air, almost feels like fall in the US and it is Summer.

I can't believe how close Christmas is.

I'm feeling a little better today. I'm still dealing with the swirling emotions and actually have begun thinking again that it may not be a bad idea to find out if there is an inexpensive way for me to start therapy here in Australia. It has been a while since I was in therapy and it could be very good.

I've got control over my eating. Yesterday I did very well, and have discovered I absolutely love Nestle's diet choc delights, and they are sponsored by Weight Watchers and have the points on the package. Each is only 1 point.

I went for 2 walks yesterday for a total of 50 minutes. I also walked 30 minutes first thing this morning. I'm finding it difficult to find ways to walk in my neighborhood without walking on the main streets for more than 30 minutes at a time. I guess I should be happy with the 30 minute walk, but something tells me I am not burning nearly enough kilojoules anymore since I've been doing this for a few weeks now.

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that the physio told me she wouldn't recommend me doing the aqua-robics just yet. I loved it. Oh well, being pain-free, and watching out for my well-being is what is best. I keep reminding myself that I won't be like this forever. The doctor did tell me that I could do light weight training and I am asking for some weight for Christmas. I also think I could get away with doing palates or yoga at home so I can be sure that I don't do any positions that would hurt. I don't know what is stopping me from doing squats and lunges except my own laziness.

I start back to work on Monday and I am looking forward to it soooo much, but also am a little afraid. What if I don't remember everything?? What if it hurts? But I will be so thankful for something else to do. All this time on my hands makes it to easy for me to dwell. It is not conducive to positive thinking.


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