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Oh Gawd the pain...

My wonderful husband massaged my very very tight shoulders last night and this morning they feel even more tight; one would think that is not humanly possible.

It has to be the work. Eh. I can't call in, it is my last day before Christmas, and what am I being a fricking baby for? I only work 4 hours at a time for 3 days a week. Stupid, fecking neck. I'm telling you, I'm not even in the mood.

So because I was rather uncomfortable from all the neck and shoulder pain last night all I really wanted to do was cuddle up in my lounge clothes on the couch. So as I got up and announced to mr. ralph, "I'm going to change clothes." He calls to me as I'm grabbing the silky pajama bottoms, "Babe you want to go for a walk?" I answer, "Uh, ok!" and grabbed the yoga pants instead.

I was glad he offered because I was not going to exercise at all yesterday otherwise. Isn't he golden? And then afterwards he massaged me like I said earlier, and rubbed this stuff called deep heat into my shoulders.

And out of curiosity only I hopped on the scale this morning and low and behold, I lost weight. Not much, and I may not maintain that lost through the end of the week, but I have to say I was surprised. What with all the copious amounts of alcohol I consumed Saturday and everything.

I got a reply from Weight Watchers regarding the holiday closures of my meetings and I was told that I can't be charged for missing meetings if they are forced to close them due to holidays. So there you have it. I won't be going.

Did I mention I got sick on Saturday night. Apparently I vomited in the loo while my friends were getting jiggy with it. Sabs said, "Oh but you were so elegant and quiet." How can one be elegant while they're tossing their cookies? You've got to let me know this.

I'm soooo looking forward to going shopping tomorrow. Even while there is all the increased Christmas traffic, I am a shopaholic. And I'm glad I'm going by myself because I am going to sneak in a few things for myself, like a top to wear out on Christmas Eve, and maybe a new pair of thongs.

I want to get something for mr. ralph that he will totally adore but won't be expecting. The first thing I got him doesn't do the trick so I have to be a smart shopper. If ya got clever ideas email me [no comments on that topic, he reads em].

The silly cat who has similar antics to Denise's cat woke me up again this morning at 7am. Luckily I went to bed at 11:30pm, but still.... And what is the little bugger doing already? Resting his pretty little eyes.

I'm thinking of ruining his nap. I'm evil.


theaddict said…
Yes he is very very lovely. I couldn't ask for a better man. And I tried to ruin his nap but he is already sleeping again. Cats are so lucky.

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