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So Hungry

I have one more week of not working. Yay. I made it. I am really looking forward to having more to do than sitting here and contemplating my next meal.

We did really well this week and had salads for dinner every night. Except tonight we are going out to eat -- and I don't really know where or what I will have.

It is almost 2pm and I haven't had lunch yet. My tummy is growling. I am afraid to eat too much knowing I will be eating out tonight, but I will have to eat something soon otherwise I will be starving and really overdo it when we go out. What a dilemma! Such is my very dull life.

We will begin our Christmas shopping tonight and go see the movie Saw. I think it will be freaky, and I looking forward to it. I've read it is similar to the style of Seven and it is one of my favorite serial killer movies.

This has been a fairly good week and I am hoping to see something good tomorrow on the scale. I will be happy with anything over a 400 gram loss since that is what I gained last week.


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