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So yes, let me see. What do I write about today?

The cat is fine. The vet said he is overweight though. Should we be surprised? It is all mr. ralph's fault. He was overfeeding him. He is at least 2 kilos over his normal weight. I have a whopping 6.7 kilogram beast sitting next to me on the couch right this very minute. And I love him.

But what about me you ask?

I am so unmotivated. I did go for a walk this morning, begrudgingly. I didn't bother to count points on Saturday after I drank like a fish. Yesterday was about the same although I miraculously calculated I probably ate within my limit. It is not really that I want to overeat, but I am sick of caring.

Tis the season to be drinking and be merry and I just want to do it without worrying about an extra kilo here or there.

Of course I don't want to gain the weight either, so what is a girl to do?

My regular Weight Watchers meetings are closed because of the 2 Saturday holidays right in a row and I don't want to go the other times. It is so inconvenient. That is the whole reason I choose Saturday. I'm thinking of blowing them off until after the new year is rung in, but will the act of not attending the meetings make me think I don't have to worry about the kilojule intake? Probably. I'm still going to weigh myself at home. Hopefully I will be strong enough to at least maintain my weight.

I really need some motivation to get me through the new year.


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