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My cat won't let me sleep. Since I don't have to be at work until 3pm, I thought I could get sleep in a little. Nope. Since mr. ralph had to be up, buckley made me get up too. He is so wild in the morning, running around and jumping on me as he heads for the nightstand. HE MUST BE STOPPED.

I think the milk I put in my coffee was going off and I drank it anyway. That is the kind of mood I'm in, lazy.

I gave out my Christmas presents to workmates and everyone was so excited about getting them. It made all the work worthwhile.

In the end I made so much stuff. I made the pretzel chocolate treats, some christmas shaped sugar cookies, chocolate spoons, swiss mocha, and cafe vienna coffee mixes. I didn't give everyone the same thing. Next year I think I will stick to one thing and make life easier on myself.

There really is nothing like getting homemade goodies; makes people feel special.

green The green necklace was given to my friend on the weekend and she loved it.

This week is going to be a struggle because for some reason I just want Christmas to get here and be gone already. Normally I love this time of year, but it is a lot harder now that mr. ralph's Dad is not with us.

There is also the one brother that I don't like, and being without my family. I wish time travel really did exist and I could just beam myself over there for a day to spend Christmas with them, and make it back just in time to have it here as well.

The ever burning in my head is: "Will I be thin in 2005?"

As I said earlier I'm still feeling apathetic about the weight loss. I only have 8.5 kilos left to lose and I am sooooo tired of it. I really want to reach goal before my anniversary which is a mere 3 months away. I know I can do it, but I honestly do not know how to get back the zest I had for it in the past.

Maybe I'm experiencing a temporary lapse and it will pass soon. I really don't want to get stuck in a rut now. 2005 is going to be my year! It has to.

I just wanted to add that after reading Juju's post I felt so much better and realise that my current apathy is probably just because I want a little holiday from worrying about food and how many points I'm consuming, and whether or not I've exercised enough. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful insights. If you haven't been reading The Skinny Daily, I highly recommend it!


Denise said…
Buckley is lovely and reminds me a little (in build only) of Dave, my beloved kitty. Dave is also notorious for using the "knock things off the bureau" technique to wake me up in the morning. It is for that reason that he is banished from my room at night.

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