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And that's the end of that chapter

So Christmas is over, and I have to say I'm thankful for that. It was pretty stressful this time because it was our first without mr. ralph's father.

We went out to eat for Christmas lunch and there was so much to choose from that I ate small servings of everything I thought looked yummy. I came home feeling full, but not, "Oh god I have to puke full". This they say, it is a good thing.

But overall have I been a good girl with the eating? No. Absolutely not. I am hoping to get myself back on track today, but because we are staying at the mum-in-law's I am thinking this is going to require much more willpower than I possibly possess. I am literally surrounded by a chocolate factory.

She received every kind of chocolate or candy gift you can imagine. Working as the head of an after school care can have its perks, that is if you want to gain 10 kilos at Christmas.

She also has some of my very favorite chocolates in the world. Lindt, which is Swiss, and heaven in a tinfoil wrapper.

I am not sure if I've gained, although lets face it there is no way that I haven't. I weighed myself yesterday but it was in the middle of the day and I am a strict morning weigher because I've noticed that throughout the course of a day a person can gain up to 3 kilos. I think I have at least put on one or possibly two. And I have to say I'm not happy about that. But I also don't feel incredibly guilty for enjoying my holiday food either. It is a toss up. The fact that I planned to let myself off the hook makes me feel better about it. Now I just need to know when to say when.

So today I am back on track. I said that yesterday but then ate some chocolate and then we had dinner out, it was cheesy pasta. Yikes. So today. Yes, TODAY.

I have to put my foot down and just do it. I don't like chocolate that much anyway, and I want the new tops and skirt I bought to fit me rather than going back and dragging out the too big pile. They're way too big anyway.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. I've missed reading all of you. I'm going over now to see what I've missed.

Wish me luck with the willpower thing. I'm going to need it.


Denise said…
I think if you're just moderately "bad" over the holidays, recognize that you've done it and it's over, and then move on, you can declare it a victory. Besides, I just heard on the news that the average person gains 1-2 pounds over the holiday, so just be more vigilant after New Year's and no worries! :-)
Kimberly said…
Hi Rebeka! Good luck with the willpower! Having put on a few pounds in the past couple of months, I'm planning to get back on the treadmill (literally!) when I get home from vacation.

(And, BTW, Michele sent me.)
Crayonsetc said…
I just found your blog... and I wanted to say good luck with the willpower!! You can do it!! Congrats on your success so far! It is wonderful!!

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