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I survived

Frustrated does not even begin to describe how I felt today.

When I arrived at work my security pass didn't work and my team leader had to be called. Apparantly they forgot to extend my access once I resigned my contract. Probably was just an oversight since I was away at the time. You would think that should have prepared me for the next bit, but it didn't.

I surprised myself when logging on to my computer by remembering the old passwords. When your password expires it just prompts you to change it when you log on and after I did that I started getting a log-on error. I had to call help desk twice before they figured out that my host password had expired and had never been extended (same problem as with the security pass, but not as easy to fix).

I had to have my team leader send a request for the host logon to be extended, which could take a few days. This means that for a while I don't have access to host applications, which rules out half of my job. Then I tried to log on to my email and was getting a completely different error that then had to be logged with help desk because without email I can't do the other half of my job!

The help desk people, bless their little hearts, aren't the fastest people in the world so I knew this would be bad bad bad. And it was was was.

I had to sit there and read all the crap that had accumulated in my folder whilst away (12 weeks!). Most of it was boring crap and I was beginning to feel that I had wasted my time coming in since I couldn't even work!

Eventually my team leader got someone at helpdesk to fix the email situation and I am up and running with half of my required duties. I feel okay, a bit tired and a bit wasted emotionally. Coming back today was hard since a lot of the people I like are gone. The two team leaders in the area I started in haven't even said hello, although they know I am here. I even got dirty looks from one of them as I was saying hello to one of my co-workers. She is a real winner that one, I'd rather bleed from my eyes than have to speak to her for any reason.

I did however get a paticularly lovely comment from one of my co-workers. She said that she could tell I've lost more weight since she last saw me. That made me feel good inside. It is always good when people notice. I've done really well with eating today, as I knew I would since I don't really have time to eat. I have been stressed though, which isn't good since I've read things lately that say that stress actually can prevent you from burning kilojules. I knew it made you eat more, but jeez!

I've missed everyone over the weekend. Seems no one (hardly) in my blogroll has been updating their blogs and I really enjoy reading everyone else's posts. If you're out there and reading this, know I MISS YOU.


God that sounds like something that's happened to me when I worked in a call center for Expanets.

Oh and Michele sent me! Have a great day!
Michele said…
Hello, Michele sent me also...actually that would mean that I sent myself. What a great site. I am glad that you played the commetn game so that I coudl discover you. I shall return often. Yes, you have been warned.

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