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My Startling Realization of 2004

Something I've come to realize in the past 2 weeks is that eating right, and losing weight doesn't have to be hard.


For such a long time I've faced it like it was a challenge akin to climbing Mt. Everest. Now recently I've been really lax, extremely lax over Christmas, but I found that the changes I've made in the last 3 years do not fly out the window when I am faced with days of non-scheduled eating.

I can actually trust myself when it comes to food.

I know that sounds silly, but for so long I've looked at food as the enemy. I've told myself that I cannot be trusted around food because I just couldn't make good choices when things weren't rigidly planned out. When you don't trust yourself, it is like having an excuse to pig out whenever the opportunity arises.

The experience over the last 2 weeks has shown me that I have morphed into a much stronger person than I give myself credit for. Being around mounds of food does not mean that I will inevitably eat it all and gain heaps of weight. I can eat small servings and without freaking out about what the scale will say.

There is so much freedom in realizing that I can make good choices even when they are limited, and that when I'm eating things that aren't that good for me, I am strong enough to stop at a reasonable portion size.

As I said before, this may be normal for a lot of you, but for me this is a breakthrough of immense proportions.

I am feeling relief in a way that I never thought I could. For once I'm not going into the New Year with a sense of impending doom, desperate to take on any diet to make myself feel better. I'm not making a New Year's Resolution; I'm continuing down a path to good health.

I know that investing in myself for the long run, and putting in hard work will help me feel better, live longer, and although I wont say it is going to be without its challenges, because that would be just crazy; I know this year will be different, because I am different.

I feel like a new person, and for that I am very grateful.

And now as if that wasn't enough, I've found that I am listed as a finalist for the BoB awards, and along side some of my daily reads like Denise, who I've come to adore, and The Skinny Daily where I always find sound advice.

If you vote for anyone, please vote for Denise, I will be.


Denise said…
Rebeka, that was the best "New Year's Eve/Year in Review" post I've ever read. You GET've figured the big secret out, which is that you are in control, not the food, and that is, well, everything for people like us. I'm so proud to "know" you and to have my site listed up there with yours - you rock! I hope that 2005 brings more of everything for both of us.
Anonymous said…
a well deserved nomination! :) happy new year to ya!


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