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If only

Today I'm wishing that chocolate had the same caloric make up of say, carrots. That way I could eat the entire block my husband so graciously bought me yesterday when I said, "I've got a craving for some chocolate."

We're not talking about a small-block here. We're talking family size. I've already consumed 3 serves of it since last night, and that isn't a lot. This particular one is a whopping point for 2 itty-bitty squares. That's right, 2.

Yeah, you could say it is driving me insane. And he forgot to take it with him when he left (to give it away) so it won't tempt me for the rest of the day.

Why does it have to taste so good? Why God Why?

I'm feeling slightly better than I was two days ago, but sometimes when you experience a slap in the face like that, it takes a while to get the spring back into your step.

I felt perfectly well this morning, and the weather is cool and beautiful, yet I still haven't had a walk yet. I am going to take one this afternoon, but I don't know why I didn't move my bum and get going this morning.

I did change the layout, yet again, but isn't it great? So fresh and new. I used to change my hair color or style every 2 months or so, and although I still change my hair often, I now change layouts. I get bored and need something new to excite me. But, I also have a lot of time on my hands to fiddle with things.

If you use a large monitor size, would you mind telling me if it looks ok in it? I have no idea.

That's all.


DeAnn said…
I love LOVE this layout. And I have a large flat-panel monitor.

My weakness is not the chocolate. It's always ice cream! And baklava. Or cheese! Well, most things really. But chocolate is low on the list.
theaddict said…
Funny thing is, chocolate is not usually such a big temptation for me either. But I wanted some -- and that is just the kind of personality I have. If there is a whole block of it in my refrigerator I will want a piece every single time I open it. Which, is a lot since I am at home all day. :( Cheese is much better!

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