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Customer service reps are people too

What a hellish day.

Well, the beginning was actually good, don't let my bad attitude fool you. Although I didn't sleep well last night, and didn't get to exercise before leaving the house, I rather enjoyed the morning.

I went to see Christmas With The Kranks and found it funny and all oooshy gooshy. Makes me miss having Christmas proper where it is cold and such though.

After that I did a little Christmas shopping and visited my friend who did work with me but now works in a shoe store because she was finally fed up with the crap that goes on.

The first thing she said when she saw me was, "Oh my you're looking skinny skinny." What a compliment! I was bowled over with joy for hours, as you can imagine.

We chatted for a few minutes and set a date to go out together on Saturday night. I saw an unbelievably gorgeous pair of suede cowboy style boots that I want, and the killer is they actually fit my legs.

It is not really the season, but they're new stock and gorgeous... But have a hefty price tag of $200AUD. A little too much, even for a Chrissy present. Sigh. I may end up putting them on layby and paying them off slowly. I still owe around $35 on my New Years Eve shoes. I am a shoe addict, and it doesn't help having a good friend working at a shoe store. Every time I drop in on her I see something else that I want.

After that I was off to buy the gift certificate in Borders and ran into a mate of ours who we haven't seen in a while. I've been worried about him because sometime ago his fiance split with him and now the news is they're back on and he is moving to Melbourne. We had a coffee together and a good chat. Although he has had his moments where I've thought he was a total wanker, he is the one friend of my hubby's that I've always had a bit of a soft spot for. He made me feel the most welcomed when I moved here and for that he deserves a gold star.

I can't believe he is moving, and just after Christmas too! We are going to need to catch up with him to send him off. And, I guess we will also have to go visit him sometime in Melbourne, and maybe catch a Collingwood Footy game to boot!

The bad bit came at work. I think I had one of my all time worst calls today. It was awful. I was shaking. After all was said and done the guy had a reason to be upset because without divulging too much info, someone over here screwed up and this thing fell through a large crack. What I don't understand is how people can get themselves so worked up that they get on a high-horse and proceed to tell me how I'm a f--ckwit and completely responsible for the whole mess.

Little did he know that yes, maybe I made a few mistakes in searching for his client's full name, and yes I did enter the wrong thing when looking for a paticular document, BUT I have been on medical leave for 3 months and am only on my 3rd day back. Cut a girl some slack.

But of course, there will always be people who think that they can get things done by acting like an A--wipe. Frankly if the guy had been a bit nicer, things would have gone smoother, and maybe I wouldn't have made so many mistakes.

Of course I didn't make the biggest mistake of all, which was why he was upset to begin with, but I didn't deserve to cop the blame for the whole friggin thing.

Advice to those that call people in the customer service industry: Treat people on the phone the way you would like to be treated. Seriously, we are just people doing our jobs, and when we tell you things we can and cannot do, we aren't just blowing smoke out our bums. We have regulations and rules behind everything we say.

Make someone's day, smile when you are on the phone. Take deep breaths and remember we are not out to get you.


Steffany said…
Thank you for such a sweetly worded, much-needed reminder that we should all treat one another with greater courtesy, respect, and decency. What a lovely place this world would be if we'd all put that sentiment to work! I'm so sorry that you were yelled at. I hope you've recovered, and that all the very good things about your day are what stick in your mind. :)

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