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Weigh-in March 19th

Today I weighed-in at 67.2 kilos. That makes another remarkable loss of 600 grams. I have not had this many steady weight losses until I started my version of the Wendie Plan. Although they're not huge numbers, I can get used to this.

After the unusual weightgain on Thursday morning I stopped taking Voltaren and drank like 4 litres of water on Thursday and then again on Friday. This I think helped flush all the drug out of my system, allowing the water retention to stop as well.

On the Au Weight Watchers plan I am meant to be eating 20 points a day up until I weigh 65 kilos, but being just above that I have decided to try to go down to 18 points a day this week. This will make the Wendie Plan a lot harder because on the superlow point day I will only be allowed 12 points, but I think if I try it, these last 4.2 kilos will go a lot quicker.

A man reached his goal weight today at my Weight Watchers meeting and I vowed (to myself of course) to be the next one at my meeting to do that.

I've also been thinking a lot about what I want my personal goal weight to be, and I think that getting a few kilos under my WW goal weight may be a good idea so I won't be in danger of going over it.

I of course will let you guys know how I am doing with that. I did take 1 50 mg tablet of Voltaren today because I noticed some of the pain in my arm returning. But there is no way I am going back to taking it 3 times a day. Nuh-uh.

I am feeling sooo tired right now. The cat has been waking me up early in the morning and although mr. ralph is taking a nap right now, I just can't fall asleep.

Emotionally I feel a bit on the lower end of the scale, but I think again that is probably due to the lack of rest over the last few days.


Cara said…
You should be so proud with your weight loss success! I weigh about 193 lbs. right now and I SO WISH that I could lose about 45-50 lbs by mid-June for my neices wedding. Part of my weight problem is my thyroid...the other part is that I've had a chronic illness for 3 years and I'm just starting to feel like myself again. I used to be very in shape and work out at the gym 3-4 times a week. But, once I got sick and my thyroid went nuts I didn't have the energy to go plus I physically didn't feel like it.
My husband and I recently joined a community center that has a full gym. We joined 2 weeks ago but I don't have anyone to go with me for the first time besides my husband and I have to wait for the weekends to expect him to go with me at a time besides 5 am or 8 pm. Hopefully this weekend he'll "hold my hand" and go with me and I'll feel "good enough" about myself to go alone next week!
Cara said…
Oh, I'm here via Michele's weekend meet-n-greet!!
Unknown said…
Well done on another great loss this week.

I think I might have to try the Wendie plan. My pts are up and down each day anyhow, but Im not sure I could plan my "high" days, they just kinda happen, same with my "low" days. Its great the flexibility we have with the ww pts.
Anonymous said…
Good for you! :) I am frankly impressed by anyone who can recognize their anxiety and take positive steps to find a solution in the face of it. This is something I find very difficult to do for myself. You found one and now you are back on track -- this is a lot to feel proud and good about!
Dawn said…
Sounds like you are doing well.

Thanks for posting on my site:)
Anonymous said…
Good for you!

Oh, yeah, Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
hi, I came here from michele. Remember, its a lifestyle than a diet. Stay away from white foods such as rice, pasta, bread. Drink lots of water and exercise. That's great that you are losing weight!
Anonymous said…
hi, I came here from michele. Remember, its a lifestyle than a diet. Stay away from white foods such as rice, pasta, bread. Drink lots of water and exercise. That's great that you are losing weight!
kimba said…
I think dropping to 18 points could be a good idea especially if you've been on 20 for ages. After all you're pretty close to where you'd 'have' to drop anyway, so why not give it a go?

You're so close now!!! :)

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