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Having your cake and...

I had the best piece of cake yesterday.

I know, I know. This is a diet journal, but I couldn't resist. I usually decline cake on Birthday's at work, I even didn't have one on my own Birthday (at work that is), and the moment I saw it, I knew it was love at first sight.

It was called a called a coffee cake, but it wasn't coffee cake exactly. It was more like a normal sponge cake with coffee flavored cream.

It was heaven.

It really was.

Lets hope for my sake that I don't have too many more weak moments because if I can help it, I want to lose weight this week.

The weekend is going to be so hard with the wine and the cheese and all the eating out.

But if I gain I promise I am not going to be hard on myself, it is Easter, and my Anniversary, and I will still reach my goal by the end of April.

At the moment the scale is up again, but as I've noticed in past weeks this is nothing to get to worked up about, not yet anyway. Come Friday morning if it is up I will just record the gain and start again.

I haven't been able to stick to the 18 point plan yet, but I still have a few days in which to try to shave some points off. I could still do it. But I don't think it will be happening with coffee cakes floating around.

Thanks for all your encouragement over the last few weeks. I couldn't have made it here without you.


Argy said…
I have discovered something through the last year or so, about having a treat that is. When I eat something that I trully like, and I eat it with full consious of having it as a treat, and with no feelings of guilt, it usually doesnt make any real harm to my body. Like my body shares the happiness of having eaten something yummy, and it doesnt store it in its fat cells immediately. Weird, innit?
Robin said…
Maybe you gave your metabolism a good kick in the pants??? Sometimes a treat will get your body back in gear.

You're still in the game, always remember that!
Denise said…
Argy's right on: enjoy it fully, and then let it go! :)
Anonymous said…
Great blog!
CheekyMoo said…
My scale is bouncing around right now too so I know how you feel. It will start going down again soon. You're doing great! The cake sounded yummy. I'm jealous. :-)
Anonymous said…
yep - i am up there with it , enjoy it and move on. I don't know if you are like this but my problem eating is binging and when I binge I scoff and don't taste anything - you have devoured every mouthfull and stopped at one piece. Awesome work.
kimba said…
Don't apologise for talking about cake on a 'diet' blog - if you can't talk about it here, where CAN you talk about it! I hope you enjoyed every morsel - don't think about the points, it's only once, and it's what you do next that counts :)
Shannin said…
I think that's one of the problems with going on "diets," per se. The word diet just automatically means denying yourself something. I prefer "food plan" meaning I plan what I eat, and sometimes that includes a piece of cake. Of course, what trips me up is falling off the plan...

Enjoy the cake and then get right back on your own plan...

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