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You wouldn't think that dropping from an average of 20 points a day (140 weekly) to 18 (126 weekly) would be that difficult, but it is.

I've not been that successful so far, but I will keep trying. Soon I won't have a choice in the matter.

I am really looking forward to this weekend away. Although I won't have an official weigh-in this Saturday because I will not be going to my Weight Watcher's meeting, I still plan to weigh myself Friday morning and record that weight as my weekly weigh-in.

I still can't believe I am within 4.2 kilos from my goal weight. This is amazing.

I had a Postie Fashions party at my mum-in-law's house on the weekend and I was the model for the clothes. When the hostess asked me to do the modelling she said, "Okay so what size do you wear, a 10?"

Will I ever get used to that question?

I told her 10's and 12's, and unbelievablly I fit into almost a size 10 in everything except certain skirts. There were a few things she only had in 12's, but it was so surreal to put on size 10 pants. I couldn't believe it.

Also, one of my mother-in-law's friend who hasn't seen me in a while told me that I looked so good she didn't even recognize me when she saw me. Then as she was leaving she told me again how great she thought I looked.

What I noticed most when I was putting on the clothes is that my thighs are finally slimming down. I guess the 5 kilos I've lost since Chrismtas must have come off my legs and bum and hopefully the last 4 will as well.

Let me tell you, I am still pinching myself. I never thought I'd be wearing a size 10 ever, and here I am wearing a size 10.


Anonymous said…
wow... soooo close! it must be so exciting :)
AliRose said…
It must feel so incredible to be reaching your goal! It makes every difficult day so worth it! I am just so happy for you, words can not express.
Argy said…
I would sing "Perfect 10" from the beautiful south to you, but you aint wearing a 12 so that would not be too precise!

I'm just so happy for you!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
What a warm feeling! Thanks for sharing your thoughts -- it is very inspiring to someone who is at the beginning of the path! :)

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