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Bad medicine is what I need

I really freaked right out yesterday. I decided to do my Thursday morning at home weigh-in because I like to know how things are going 2 days before the official one and low and behold the scale said an enormous 68.8. Yes, you are not seeing things and neither was I.

I got on and off of it a few times and it never changed. It actually once went on up to 69 kilos.

But how could that be I wondered? I have been so good!

Then it dawned on me. This crap medicine I'm on had to be the culprit. So I went online and looked up Voltaren and guess what one of the side effects of taking this shit is? Unusual weight gain due to water retention. I already have enough problems with that on my own without this medicine.

I kept telling myself all day that it is not a true reflection of my weight but it still kept nagging at me. I drank around 9 water bottles yesterday (around 4 and a half litres) and was in the bathroom so much people at work probably thought I was ill. I also only took my morning dosage of the medicine.

It seems to be okay at the moment, no real pain in my arm or right shoulder. The left one is acting up, but I think right now I am still trying to adjust to my new chair. I'm not sure that it is the right kind of chair for me, but I plan to discuss that with the work physio when she comes on Monday.

I guess the point I think I am trying to make is this: I am still very much ruled by the scale. I know that my clothes look great and feel great, but when it goes up in the slightest I really get down on myself.

I am so worried that I will slip up and somehow gain all this weight back. Mentally I tell myself that I will have work hard at staying this way or otherwise I will balloon up and none of my clothes will fit.

I'm really looking forward to next weekend. I plan to take some beads with me on our anniversary trip to the Mclaren Vale so that I can have some downtime and make jewelry. I plan to sleep more, eat good food, and drink wine. And I also hope to not worry if I gain a little next week because I need a break.

I love you guys, thanks for all the nice things you said in my last comment section. You rock.


Argy said…
Don't worry. Voltaren really does this!And it goes away right when you stop taking the bastards!And you know what, I love you too!!!
Shannin said…
I am totally with you as far as my mood being ruled by the scale. I hate that. I know if I am going to have a hard/long day at work, I won't weigh myself in the morning because I know if I am up a pound (or two!) I will beat myself up all day long. As they say, ignorance is bliss! That's why I really try to weigh myself only once a month.
Anonymous said…
Water you retain can be extremely heavy, because it is actually temporary storage for sugars that your body is trying to metabolize. Certain medicine can make you metabolize differently, which causes "water retention" (in other words, an abundance of temporary sugar storage rather than burning off energy immediately).

Now, if I can offer some unasked-for advice (grin), I know what you mean about fearing a situation in which you gain all the weight back. I have gone through that, but for me the key was that I had suffered a couple of personal setbacks and I just didn't care anymore. As long as you care, it's unlikely that you'll slide backwards significantly enough to wake up one day and realize you've gained it all back.

But, I think you can care and not be slave to the scale. It's just a matter of consciously thinking of ways that you can monitor yourself without relying on the scale. Whether you use the "jeans fitting to tight" method or switch to going entirely off of measurements that you take on a monthly basis, or something else entirely, is what you have to figure out for yourself.

The only thing that I have noticed is nearly universal is that the scale is not a good way to monitor yourself when you are in a maintenance situation, or when you are getting close to your goal weight. There are so many reasons why you can weigh five pounds more, but your pants still fit, and vise versa.

Maybe a paradigm shift is in order?

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