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On again off again

I know that blogger has been having its problems lately, but so far so good today. It took me forever to publish yesterday's entry.

This one wont be that long actually. I just wanted to check in to say I received a compliment from someone yesterday (well they didn't know it was one).

The physio who has never met me before made a comment about my new chair saying that the seat is adjustable (it pulls outwards in front) for *whisper* "larger people". But, she said, "You do not have that problem."

I've not stopped thinking about what she said since then. I know it probably would have rolled off the back of some skinny person who has never had a weight problem, but it truly meant something to me to hear someone else referring to me as a skinny person.

Does anyone else know what I mean?

It was like, "Wow. She doesn't think I have a weight problem!"

What a huge thing. I can't believe that I still feel like this enourmous person, but on the outside others see me as being thin.

Psychologically this was a very remarkable thing.

And, yes I have a new chair, and a new footrest, also my monitor is at a new level and further away from my face. Hopefully this will help ease up the tension in my shoulders.


Anonymous said…
this is a major moment, isn't it. you're not the fat girl anymore. time to see yourself the way we do? that is so not easy though! ack!

congrats on the good feelings you got from someone who doesn't know what you used to look like so you know they're not saying you look good 'compared' to how you use to look.

you just look good ;)
CheekyMoo said…
I can really relate to that. It really took me a while to not see myself as the fat girl. When people call me Slim and Skinny Minnie my first instinct for a while was to tell them where to go. It would take a few minutes to realize they weren't poking fun at me. It takes a while for our brains to catch up with our bodies. You're looking good and almost there! I don't even know what I'll do the day I hit goal. The day I went under 200 pounds I sat and cried like a baby I was so happy.
Anonymous said…
I've never really had that particular experience, mostly because I've always been very plus-sized even when I'm slim and fit.

I have the opposite situation, where I'm much stronger and more nimble than a woman my size is "supposed" to be. I saw a new doctor and she took one look at me and turned around to get a footstool so I could get up onto the table, and by the time she turned around I was there. You could have knocked her over with a feather. LOL
Argy said…
I'm so glad for you! You do look thin you know! And you know why? Because you are!!!!
Denise said…
Well, of course she didn't think you were're not! No matter what YOU see when you look in the mirror, everyone else just sees a normal, thin girl - good for you for your hard work and dedication to make that happen. :)

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