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Weigh-in March 5th

I weighed in at 68.1, and was amazed to discover that I lost 800 grams this week.

I've only got just over 5 kilos left to lose before I reach my goal. Like WOW. I mean wow. I am pinching myself.

Can you believe this? A weight loss 2 weeks in a row?!?! I mean jeez, imagine what I could do if I got my butt up off the couch and started exercising.

I think I owe it all to the Wendie Plan, which by the way I told all my fellow weight watcher' members about today. I tried to tell them anyway, but I couldn't say a whole lot because our leader likes to hog all the air time. It is weird. I've never felt so shut down in a place where we should all be sharing our ideas with each other. Isn't it a support group, not a one-woman-show? Plus she is boring and only talks about the same thing over and over again. I've heard enough about low GI foods, exercising, how her daughter is a dancer, and how good it is to eat protein for breakfast.

I would try out a different meeting, but this is the only place that does it on Saturdays and I love the other girls that work this one.

Yesterday I had one of those moments where I ate for emotional reasons and not out of hunger. I have cut back hugely on the amount of bread I eat so what did I reach for?

A baguette with butter on it. Not just a little one either, a huge footlong baguette.

Did I enjoy it? Yes, but it also made me anxious.

I would really love to kick the habit of eating something for purely emotional reasons. This time it was because I was stressed with work. We've been a lot busier than normal and my area suffers when other areas get behind in their work. We are suffering greatly right now so it makes things difficult for us.

If I hadn't lost weight I would have blamed the birthday and the baguette, but amazingly I did.

Today is my superhigh point day and I felt like having fried fish and chips for dinner. I ate it, but now I actually feel quite gross because it was so oily that I didn't fully enjoy it. I know it is okay, because the points are allotted for, but I wish I had chosen something else. It is amazing how after a long time of doing this my palate actually prefers healthy meals.

I went shopping today with the money my mom sent me for my birthday and felt amazing as I knew I could wear size 10 and size 12 clothes. It is such a good feeling. I bought a belt, a necklace and earring set that was faulty for $3 and I fixed, as well as a pair of rmk wedges. I still am on the lookout for a winter coat. I didn't want to buy something I wasn't 100% happy with since I am hoping it will last a few years.


Cori said…
wow good for you!! Thanks for stopping by the ol blog.Mind if I poke around??
Cori said…
What is the Wendi plan?
Kimberly said…
Hi Rebeka! It's wonderful that you're getting so close to your goal!

And hi, Michele sent me.
Jackie A said…
I'm new to the blogging scene, but I have been on many diets and I have lost a lot of weight over the years.
I just started dieting again recently. I probably weight 157 pounds or 71 kilos. I was a nurse on my feet 10 to 12 hours a day and I ate as little as possible during the day and gorged at night. I am not getting that kind of exercise so the fat is beginning to collect.
In the past I've had a lot of luck in following my diets. I always follow the same technique. I keep a food diary. Keep the calorie intake to 1500cal and walk vigoriously for a minimum of 45min per day. The biggie is the food diary. If I cut out the food I "just eat" and just eat when I am really hungry I lose the weight. I like the expression about good food: the best recipe is hunger.
Good luck to you....
Kathryn said…
Wowsers... so close. You might be pinching yourself but you must be finding it hard to find anywhere to pinch now!
Argy said…
go babe!!!!

Only 5 kilos to do you think I look in green? hehehe

Seriously though, I was just soooo delighted to read about your loss!

And I so know what you mean about the ww leader. Mine used to be like that. In my group there were a few really heavy people, who were trying but at 140 kilos, they were finding the quantities too small, and were asking for tricks to have bigger meals in same points. So I was telling them about the burgers I came out with, that had equal quantity of chicken mince and veggies minced too, and i remember th eleader stubbornly say...portion control, when you get to goal portion control will be your tool of success.

These poor folks had 70 kilos to go and were on their first weeks.
CheekyMoo said…
You're so close! I'm going to have to hunt around here for the Wendi plan. You're amazing and inspiring.I can't wait until I'm that close.
kimba said…
Hey well done on the loss! Another one next week and that'll be a hat trick.

Less than 5kg to go. That must feel so good. You should be damn proud of yourself.

Isn't it funny when we indulge in something that we haven't had for ages and it's so oily (or whatever) that it's a total disappointment and we wish we hadn't bothered? It's good though because it reminds us we really aren't missing anything ;D
hearts81 said…
Sounds to me that old habits are beginnning to be replaced with healthier alteratives. Imagine not enjoying oily fish and chips. Way to go!

A Touch of Style :)

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