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Another List

I borrowed these questions from a site I was at today for the first time, so because I am bored and do not have a lot to say today, I thought I'd use it here:

1. If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be?
I haven't built the first one yet, but I'd like it to be close to my parents, possibly somewhere in Baton Rouge, LA.

2. What are your favorite articles of clothing?
I love to wear a lot of things, but I really love jeans and cute jackets.

3. The last CD you bought?
mr. ralph bought it for me, the new Sarah McLachlan CD.

4. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Around 5:00 am on most mornings, if it is just to make a pitt stop and lock my cat out of my room so I can sleep for 30 more minutes.

5. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
Our kitchen is pretty boring and basic, I like my microwave.

6. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
hmmm. I have no idea on this one. Probably the guitar.

7. What's your favorite color?

8. Which vehicle do you prefer, sports car, motorcycle, or SUV?
Sports car, but I really don't worry about this much.

9. Do you believe in the afterlife?
Yes sometimes.

10. Favorite children's book?
When I was young I read a lot, but nothing is standing out. I really enjoyed The Velveteen Rabbit. It still makes me cry.

11. What is your favorite season?
Spring, no doubt.

12. If you have a tattoo, what is it?
I have a butterfly on my left leg just above the ankle.

13. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to magically make new clothes appear? Sound silly, but it would be a great power.

14. Can you juggle?
No way in hell.

15. Someone from your past that you wish you could go back and talk with?
My Grandpa. The good one.

16. What is under your bed?
So much stuff! Boxes, suitcases, shoes. We have a small place.

17. What is your favorite day?
Probably Saturdays.

18. Sushi or hamburger?
Probably both, but I eat more hamburger.

19. Of the people who normally read your blog, who is most likely to respond first?
Hmm. Argy?

20. On which blog did you find this meme?
Nearest Distant Shore

21. What is your favorite flower?

22. What is your favorite meal?
I love food. Can't you tell? But I love fresh prawns with garlic sauce. MMmm.

23. Describe your pjs.
I sleep in t-shirts and boxer shorts or just a tank and the undies. Nothing exciting.

24. Favorite Breakfast?
My most favorite breakfast is the one my mom makes, with homemade southern biscuits, grits, eggs, and some gravy.

25. Do you like your job?
On some days I do, but lately I'd say no.

26. What is your dream job?
To be able to write and make good money doing it.

27. What age do you plan to retire?
I've never thought about that one. Probably when I am around 70.

28. Where did you meet your spouse or significant other?
On Lambda moo, but in the flesh we met in the New Orleans Airport. It was a magical day.

29. Something you would like to do that you have never done before.
Travel through Europe with unlimited funds.


Anonymous said…
i kind of want to hang out and let argy go first - but i haven't checked your site for so long that i can't help but ramble a bit. Oh - you are so close to goal that you must be able to taste it. I think dropping to 18 points is a good trick for your body - eat heaps of free foods on your 12 day - egg white omelettes and stuff - i know you can do it because you have come so far. What ARE grits? I have wondered that for ages......
Anonymous said…
Grits are heavenly food. You can get Instant Grits in the store. Here is how I recommend you eat them:

1. Make a package of instant grits in the microwave.

2. Fry them in a pan so they get nice and lumpy, with a thick consistency.

3. Fry up a couple of eggs, over easy, and put them on top of the grits in a bowl.

Enjoy! The grits sop up the egg yolks like bread, and it tastes wonderful. :)
Anonymous said…
sign me up for that super power too!
kimba said…
I like this list, someone sent it to me the other day by email (you know, where you fill it in first then pass it on) and we were like "you can play the piano?" heh. Always good to get insight into people - thanks for sharing.

You'd love the new jacket I'm wearing today - it's teal, in a very fine cord :)
Argy said…
I stay offline one day and I miss my chance to stand up to my reputation...shite! lol

I love these lists, I always think of doing one of my own after I read yours but then I am not sure why I keep procrastinating them!

I love teal too...and I have no idea what grits are either!

But they sound yummy!

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